Quick: have you thought about cereal today?
Sure, we’ve all been dreaming of Cocoa Puffs since 9am (just minutes after finishing our morning Cocoa Krispies), but I mean really thinking about cereal. Like, contemplating the nihilistic ramifications of a world wear slightly torn cereal boxes will never close again.
It can be tough to squeeze this kind of munchable meditation into our everyday lives, so if you need a little spiritual spoon guidance, let Justin McElroy and I be your yummy yogis (I can keep this alliteration up all day) with episode 2 of The Empty Bowl.
For those out of the Froot Loop, The Empty Bowl is a 15-25 minute discussion about the latest and greatest in breakfast cereal. It’s packed with positive reinforcement and relaxing tones, so you can enjoy breakfast—or the dreadful first hour after lunch—in extra crispy peace.
In this episode, we look at some of the holiday cereal news that’s already breaking through all the Hallo-headlines, walk through my recent experience with a Cap’n Crunch Blender, and regale you kind listeners with the history and future of Pop-Tart Cereal.
If that sounds like your cup of milk, you can enjoy the show above, or use this link to subscribe and support The Empty Bowl. Half of any generous donations go toward keeping this site afloat, and the other half will go to the Facing Hunger Foodbank in Huntington, WV.
My deepest thanks to everyone who has listened to, contributed to, rated, reviewed, or otherwise directed good vibes toward The Empty Bowl so far. I am simultaneously humbled by the feedback, encouraged to get over my fear of voice work, and inspired to keep creating a richer, calmer, and more enjoyable breakfast experience for cereal heads across the world.
So as the old saying goes: Don’t forget to drink the milk—or chug a Cap’n Crunch Blender.