Tag Archives: milkshake

Review: Buffalo Wild Wings & Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries Blender!

Cap'n Crunch Buffalo Wild Wings Crunch Berries Blenders Review Cereal Shake

We already know that human sports exist within the cereal world: Wheaties is practically an in-universe ESPN, Tony the Tiger coaches little league, and Cap’n Crunch has played in so many games that a human man of his age would have retired with soggy joints years ago.

But this past year or so of cereal–restaurant tie-ins suggests that our beloved cereal mascots, many of whom are older than us, have turned to a new form of friendly competition—one that avoids lost teeth and crunched bones. The bowling of the cereal world, this is a sport ironically played in a cup:

Milkshake Mixology!

Yes, Buffalo Wild Wings & Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries Blender is, by my count, the ninth major cereal milkshake to debut in recent memory. And while the Cap’n may be wearing palate guards now, my slightly lactose-intolerant stomach has tried them all.

But will B-Dubs and C-Crunch’s drinkable dessert be an ace serve against Burger King’s incredible shake trio? Or will it post up next to Steak ‘n’ Shake’s milquetoast quintology of bench-warming waterboys?

There’s only one way to find out, and it involves going somewhere I never go without the supervision of an overbearingly athletic family member who will doubtlessly inquire deeply about my collective one year of Kindergarten soccer experience.

(I almost got kicked off the team for trying to tickle other kids too much. True story.)

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Spooned & Spotted: Buffalo Wild Wings Crunch Berries Blender

Seeing Cap’n Crunch, the modern patron saint of the inner child within us all, at a Buffalo Wild Wings may seem jarring, but in reality, it’s a pretty good bit of breakfast lore continuity. 

You see (you see how I started this sentence with “you” so I wouldn’t have two with “see” in a row?), the Cap’n has been picking up athletics again over the past couple years, returning to his position as the MVP of sugary-sporty cereals with Home Run CrunchTouch Down Crunch, and Soccer Crunch. So it only makes sense that eventually, he would sprain one or many parts of nautical old anatomy, and he’d instead retire from real sports and settle for a career in the game of kings:

Sitting at a Buffalo Wild Wings yelling at the TV with hot sauce on his pointing fingers. 

But the Cap’n isn’t content with just watching: he’s milking this deal out with a new milkshake. It’s called the Crunch Berries Blender, and it’s a non-alcoholic mix of whipped & ice creams + Crunch Berries cereal. Spotted by my own dear sister on Snapchat (hence the obfuscatory punctuation), this merry mix should be out at Buffalo Wild Wings locations already. Here’s the full recipe:

Guess I’ll have to bust out my dusty old “feigned interest in sports” from the basement to try it. I bet it still fits, too!