Spooned & Spotted: Millville Snickerdoodle Kookies Cereal


What if the Vatican City was the first country to reach the moon?

What if RC Cola proudly flowed through every soda fountain in the world?

What if Jitterbug beat Apple to the iPhone?

It’s hard to imagine the smallest underdogs in a given industry toppling the giants in terms of originality or innovation. But with the latest new holiday cereal to hit shelves, we might just see Christmas Crunch, Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, and its fellow kings of the snow hill ho-ho-hoisted from their flaky ivory towers.

Well, maybe.

Let me explain: I was tipped off on Instagram by fellow cereal connoisseur @theghostinyoumusic (thanks!) about a new seasonal cereal from Millville—the catch-all name for Aldi’s store brand cereal. It’s called Snickerdoodle Kookies, and it’s something I’ve wanted to see for so long, but certainly not from whome I expected.

In the pantheon of iconic holiday season sweet flavors, snickerdoodle may not be gingerbread, but it’s certainly iconic enough to merit a cereal. Naturally, I’d imagine the first snickerdoodle cereal from General Mills’ Cookie Crisp. But no, Chip the Wolf and his corporate overlords picked a flavor more merry than gingerbread. More jolly than eggnog. They chose…


Whether or not you agree that red and green sugar granules is the most recognizable winter mix of flavors, it seems we’ve finally gotten the taste of snicekrdoodles in corny disk form after all, just from the shelves of Aldi exclusively, instead of “anywhere fine groceries are sold.”

So if this seems like a weird isolated incident of hand-me-down ingenuity, just wait: it gets a little weirder. After doing a single Google’s worth of research, I found that many suspect the similar-sounding Millsville cereal is actually produced by General Mills and sold under Aldi’s Groucho glasses-level disguise of a name.

While this has never been confirmed—and still others claim it’s made by Malt-O-Meal—we do get anonymously anecdotal evidence from an employee’s relative. If that’s the case, then this might be the strangest cereal switcheroo I’ve seen since Freedom Crunch. Perhaps the idea of Snickerdoodle Cookie Crisp didn’t test well enough to warrant a true General Mills release, and it was subjected to Aldi’s off-broadway? Or maybe it really is just a case of spontaneous genius.

Either way, I know I’ll be hustling to my closest store with an open-air glass full of milk and an adrenaline-enhanced sense of balance.

2 responses »

  1. I don’t believe the rumors about General Mills making Aldi cereal. It’s got to be either Malt o Meal or Ralston, almost all private label cereal is made by one of them.

  2. Maybe they are testing it out at Aldi’s to see how it does before giving it the big release. I can see I’ll have to make a trip to one of my local Aldi’s and see if I can find it as I’d like to try it out.

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