Forget that meme about everything being cake—real experts of goofy geology know that using a hot spork to go one layer deeper reveals that everything, from your memoirs to your boudoir, is really made of Froot Loop.
Your doughnuts? Froot Loops.
Your ice cream? That’s Froot Loops.
Those heirloom Peeps Pops you hold so dear? Live, laugh, Loop.
As Kellogg’s has apparently perfected the alchemy required to infuse Froot Loopian essence into any state of matter, the unexpected debut of Froot Loops Ice Pops felt less like a surprise and more like an, “I guess.” Instagram food-finder i_need_a_snack_ spotted these technicolored treats at Dollar General, and in true Froot Loops form, the Pops come in a whole rainbow of identical flavors. A little disappointing, especially now that we know what a leveled-up Froot Loops can do when it expands its fruitful loom, but maybe we can hope for a Froot Loops Ice Pop DLC update in the near future.
But hey, I guess if these don’t work out in popsicle’d form, I could always let them melt into a HydroFlask.