The Trix Rabbit had fallen on hard times. He’d spent so much of his prime working years chasing manipulative and seemingly ingenious children, just to get stymied at every turn—and all for a taste of the cereal that bears his visage. He worked so hard to craft and hawk those fruity spheres, but now his dream had become…silly.
It wasn’t until he encountered a pint-sized bruiser made entirely of corporeally contained dough that his luck began to turn. The Doughboy convinced the Rabbit that he didn’t need to seek a fruity breakfast: he could become one. All he would need to do is agree to an experimental black market procedure: the first ever Strudelectomy.
The Rabbit was all ears. With nowhere else to turn, he agreed to merge consciousnesses with a Fruitalicious Berry Toaster Strudel (they spent more money on the surgery than the name), and now his frosted face grins with atomic coral glee, forever.
Or at least until a blogger gets ahold of him.

Yes, I tried a frozen one. They’re like crepe-sicles.
From the start, that blogger was worried the Rabbit was getting the short end of the carrot stick on this one. Fruitalicious Berry? That’s not exactly the predominant flavor I think of when imagining the primarily citrus-driven taste of Trix cereal—I know the cereal’s meant to be a fruit medley, but Orangey Orange and Lemony Yellow throw their tangy weight around with no rhyme or reason.

I tried icing the Pillsbury Dough Boy’s oceanographically vast gaze, but then the tiny frosting pouch burst and turned him into a pig puppet.
But not Fruitalicious Berry Toaster Strudel. No, as my plump Trix wonton emerged from the toaster crisped and still gestating, all I could smell was a single berry. But it would be up to a taste test to confirm my olfactory hypothesis.
I tried savoring the malleable, flaky crust—which contains the filling with about the pliability of a pizza slice air bubble—but the golden-toasted dough plays much less of a flavorful role here than it did in—or rather around—Cinnamon Toast Crunch Toaster Strudel. Here, it provides subtler notes of crackery, but no less buttery pie crust to give the wafting filling a siege vehicle for showering my taste buds with its Fruitalicious Berrages.
And the berry leading the charge is, of all candidates, General R.A. Spberry. A plucky and puckering underdog of the Trix Cereal squadron, raspberry’s less sweet, more biting berry notes made great strides with the release of far-sourer all-natural Trix, but fell back by the wayside when the cereal’s artificial returned sweet balance to Trix just last year. Perhaps bitter from this exile, raspberry nevertheless takes the reigns in this Toaster Strudel.
Thankfully it’s not an unpleasantly potent raspberry filling, as its near fruit-snacky flavor smacks of candied jam and Swedish Fish sauce. Trix Toaster Strudel has its strawberry undertones to thank for unifying and balancing the sharpness of the raspberry, as well as the more milkily fruited (you’ve never milked a strawberry?) icing. With the help of this Laffy Taffy-esque frosting, the filling ultimately remind me more of Trix Yogurt than Trix Cereal. Which I guess makes these Toaster Strudels giant edible Go-Gurt tubes, which is pretty awesome.
Think I can squeeze and gulp it like Popeye?
Behind the yogurt comparison, the merging of near-fried strudel crust and gelatinously fruit-sugared innards makes Fruitalicious Berry Toaster Strudel taste almost uncannily like a jelly doughnut, perhaps the kind eaten by a raspy-voiced rabbit cop who, after losing his winking wife to a pastry-flavored pastry, is determined to find the sick Dough-doc behind this hare-raising madness.
All Orangey Orange pulp fiction aside, Trix’s Fruitalicious Berry Toaster Strudel is a pleasantly ripened fruit toaster pastry, as it makes great use of crust and filling in tandem to create a complex, yet resonantly familiar product. It may not do true justice to its namesake flavor, but Trix is already iconically ambiguous, it gets more of a pass here than with CTC’s Toaster Strudel’s cinnamon caper. I’d recommend this to any Trix Yogurt or jelly doughnut fan, but those looking for a more diverse sandwiched smoothie, the jazzy personality of Wild Berry Pop-Tarts may sing a slightly sweeter siren song.
I sense a sugar crash in my future.
The Bowl: Trix Toaster Strudel – Fruitalicious Berry!
The Breakdown: Raspberry and strawberry perform a memorably doughnutty dance here, channeling a deeply Berried part of Trix’s tropical taste range to give us something both comforting and memorable.
The Bottom Line: 9 Swedish Fish sushi burritos out of 10