News: A New Look for Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Cinnamon Toast Crunch New Box Design

Yes, I was indeed only sent an (empty) miniature box. I guess now I can use it to hold…belly button lint?

When I got an email about a secret Cinnamon Toast Crunch surprise coming to my house, my mind swirled with possibilities:

Peanut Butter Toast Crunch’s return?

The early merriment of a new Gingerbread Toast Crunch?

Ooh, or maybe a personal Cinnamon Toast Crunch feeding trough, with two sides so me and the boys can chug some endmilk and also dispose of it baseball stadium style?

Unfortunately/hygienically, it was none of the above, but instead a rousing rebrand of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch we’ve come to know and love (by which I mean immediately recycle as the cereal inside evaporated into the no-longer-thin air of my esophagus).

My thoughts on the new design, including its now-emojified and less-sociopathic squares? It has its ups and downs.

The new mascots themselves just don’t sit right with me. I get that emojis are pretty much pictographic accents, but this looks like they were sort of pasted onto the box like a kid committing the mortal sin of slapping a few Goofy stickers on the side of his mom’s sedan.

May he rue the day he unleashed the scourge of residue.

But besides the boys in beige, I like the rest of what General Mills did with the Cinnamon Toast Crunch color palette. I’m getting serious Splatoon vibes from the iridescent puddles of liquefied CTC Pantone swatches, and I can only wish my own cereal milk was painted with such a powerful technicolor dream coat.

So what do you think of it? No word yet on how this branding might extend to the other Toast Crunch properties, but if Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch makes its triumphant return come December, I hope the Cinnamojis at least bring some of my favorite emojis over for dinner.


Hmm, on second thought, maybe I shouldn’t be in charge of the entrees.

News: Creepy Cocoa Crisp M&M’s

Creepy Cocoa Crisp Cereal M&M's

Hey Kellog—you know what, never mind.

I was going to ask why we’ve never gotten an M&M’s cereal yet, given that M&M’s Cocoa Krispies Treats exist and would make for a logical in-bowl deconstruction. But then I remembered that I’ve already put M&M’s on cereal before, during an ill-fated attempt at cereal trail-mixology that resulted in a food dye-streaked sea of milky raisin anchors. It had a sort of radioactive beauty.

Now that I’ve spread that memory contagion, I can move on. Perhaps testing the borders of what this blog will continue “cereal news,” Mars is releasing Creepy Cocoa Crisp M&M’s, which have already been spotted at Target. This means that either the Halloween season has annexed half of summer, or we’re about to waste away the dog days with werewolves.

Of course, Crispy M&M’s have been around for a while (after not being around for a bit), but Krispies be darned, their branding isn’t as overtly….Cerealous (I’m allowed to say that) as Creepy Cocoa Crisp.

Now, the gentle M&M’s consumer—who feels like inspiring autumnal dread in even the sunniest day—can more viscerally picture themselves carving open an M&M lengthwise to make two edible mini-bowls of chibi cereal crumbs. But hey, that Seymour-pleasing borealis coming off the spoon? And that nugget of a cloak clasp that is apparently giving Red nefarious spectral privileges?

You know what, I’m on board. Let’s skip past Emperor Augustus’ month and autumn’s crimson entrance, landing fudge-filling-first into Halloween’s now-crisper winds. Heck, let’s do the M&M’s Cereal too.

Phew. If just thinking about these cereal-adjacent M&M’s gets me this imaginative, eating them might make me drool auroral energy. But luckily, most of America probably has until September until this cereal–creature confection hits shelves. Our thanks to Munchie Bunchie for sharing the first spotting, from notoriously pro-M&M retailer Target.

Rumor Mill: Malt-O-Meal Blueberry Muffin Toasters?

Blueberry Muffin Tops 2019? Malt-O-Meal Blueberry Muffin Toasters Cereal

You ever have a day that keeps on giving?

And not only in sporadic bursts of sunny feelings, but in a systematic and exponentially improving sense?

I awoke today planning only to share the duel of wills that occured between me and Blue-Eyes White Dragon Cereal. And then I was gobsmacked by a Reddit tip about larvae-shaped Twinkies Cereal.

And now, after following the Twinkies lead shared by /r/YukiHase (thanks again!), I’ve struck sapphire. This something more potent than a Blue-Eyes Blast, and more nostalgic than a Twinkie and four Ghostbusters.

It’s a potential successor to Malt-O-Meal Blueberry Muffin Tops.

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News: Hostess Twinkies Cereal is Coming Soon!

Hostess Twinkies Cereal Box

Nope, I’m not Kid-ding: the mild, mild spongecake west’s fastest creamslinger is having a litter of amoebic children!

Thanks to /r/YukiHase on Reddit, we now know that Twinkies will be the next titan of the gas station snack aisle to become a Post-produced Hostess Cereal. Twinkies would arguably have been the more obvious choice for the first wave—not to discredit the fine, fine work of our nation’s honorably Honeyed Buns and elite corps of Powderiest Donettes. But better late than never, I suppose—though the pressure is now squarely on this cylindrical Twinkies Cereal to live up to the high standards set by its caked contemporaries.

All we know about Twinkies Cereal thus far is a) they look like undusted Cheetos Puffs and b) they probably aren’t creme-filled, as they should be, and c) Twinkie the Kid is worryingly absent from the whole affair. I get that many Hostess mascots have crossed the Rainbow Funfetti Bridge, but T the K has been Hostess’ ride or die frontman, even through the bakery’s brief sabbatical in bankrupt purgatory.

(I hear, in limbo, they suck the soulcream straight outta the three holes in your back!)

As Twinkies do, they’ve taken me deliriously off track. Unfortunately there’s not much else to say about Twinkies Cereal just yet—unless we’re guessing which cake comes next.

Cupcake? Too obvious. Snowballs? Too controversial. No, I hope it’s Peanut Butter Ho Hos or White Fudge Ding Dongs….or both, monstrously spliced together.

Review: FYE Blue-Eyes White Dragon Berry Blast Cereal

FYE Blue-Eyes White Dragon Cereal Review Berry Blast Box

The year is 2004, or something.

I spent the morning carefully curating and collating the best possible Yu-Gi-Oh! deck from a jumbo tupperware’s worth of monster-fronted cardboard rectangles.

I go to my local Meijer grocery store, which, for some reason, was hosting a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament (an in-store event that, for some even worse reason, never happens these days).

Using my incredibly overpowered Wave-Motion Cannon, I obliterate another plucky young fellow, who proceeded to yell at me for “not telling him what the card did.” To which I replied, “Well you never asked…”

Needless to say, I lost the next match and got grifted by some older dude who coerced me into trading a good card for a ruddy one.

(I promise you, I am only haunted by this story bidaily, at most.)

So yes, while I was very into the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters trading card game ~15 years ago, I never expected to sit eye-to-blue-eyes with a Yu-Gi-Oh! cereal in the year 2019. FYE’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon Cereal isn’t the first YGO! cereal, either: the first, 2003 version boasted more thematically interesting Millennium Puzzle pieces, and back-of-the-box art that’s way more interesting than Blue-Eyes’ so-last-millennium word puzzle:

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News: Count Chocula’s 2019 Return

Warning: the below cereal is scary.


Downright perturbing and petrifying.

Last chance to tuck in your inner child somewhere beneath your liver.

Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Count Chocula 2019 Monster Cereal Box

If you’re unsure why the above cereal box art sparks so much primal revulsion in the pits of my soul, you’ve got a few decades of creatively Choculated lore to catch up on. For so long, General Mills’ Monster Cereals—and especially Count Chocula, as their de facto fanged leader—have returned during the Halloween season with new charming box themes and art styles, making them reliably nostalgic accent pieces for any reboot-free horror movie marathon.

But ever since the Monster Cereals’ oat flour formula was infamously changed—a decision that likely fractured us into the darkest timeline—their theming has gotten as inspired as the Children of the Corn franchise. At least to me, it feels like a palpable loss of innocence, especially since 2013’s gave false hope by bringing back Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy for just one year. Continue reading

Review: Malt-O-Meal Snickerdoodle Cookie Bites

Malt-O-Meal Snickerdoodle Cookie Bites Cereal Review Bag

Though they share a mother in milk, there are perhaps no other food pairings quite as harmonious and simultaneously anachronistic as cereal and cookies. One carries an entire nation’s breakfast connotations on its sugared back, while the other cloaks its doughy balls in the sinful jar of night. And yet, I can’t think of any one prepared treat that has inspired more cereals than the cookie, with its manifold masquerade of infinite options:

Oreo cereal. Nilla cereal. Even a modern holiday classic. I’ll admit this is a hollow victory, since the cookie clan certainly has such a broad definition. But hey, there are a ton of ice cream flavors out there, and with a few exceptions, cereals flavored like those suckers/lickers keep striking out.

Post & Malt-O-Meal (essentially creative twins, but one more literally thinks outside the box) are continuing the cookie’s never-crumbling reign by expanding their line of Cookie Bites even further. What started as a clear chip off the ol’ Cookie Crisp became Nutter Butter Cereal’s better half earlier this year. Now, it’s taking aim at the holiday season…a whole five months early?

I won’t question the business strategy behind dropping a snickerdoodle cereal in the summer, but all I’m saying is that if a cereal’s gonna celebrate Christmas in July, it better be offering me a steal of a deal on a used Kia Sorento. Continue reading

Review: South Korean Oreo O’s RED & Peanut Butter O’s!

South Korean Oreo O's RED Cereal Review Peanut Butter Os Cereal Boxes

What better way to celebrate a special day than with two special cereals?

Or to be more sentimentally apt, what better way to celebrate the fourth anniversary of than with a new variant of this blogger’s all-time favorite cereal?

Yes, it feels like I’ve preached the virtues of South Korean Oreo O’s so many times in the past four years that it borders on trite fanboyism at this point. But guess what? It’s my party, and I can gush about longitudinal variances in cocoa and marbit potency if I want to.

Especially since this occasion’s significance surpasses any individual’s milky milestone. Despite being voted the best Oreo O’s in their class by D.G. Power & Associates for the past half decade, South Korean Oreo O’s have never gotten a new flavor variant—a tragedy when we see just how lame America’s rebooted OO’s cinematic universe turned out.

Technically, there were Honey O’s bearing the aqueous mascot of Oreo O’s—a crossover we’ll see again later in the this article—but now the Oreo name and implied legacy officially endorse Oreo O’s RED, which is a Chocolate–Strawberry combo far more interesting than Golden or Mega Marbit Stuf’d.

In honor of Cerealously 4th birthday, I will humbly endure the jolly good burden of eating four bowls.

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