Help me settle an argument real quick: what’s better, cereal-flavored things or thing-flavored cereal? Though this site was founded on the latter, as time goes on I find myself drawn to obscure cereal infusions outside the breakfast aisle. See, even in the best case scenario, any hypothetical Kit-Kat cereal would be good, but it can only be so good as a grain-based milk intermingler. No one expects cereal to taste as decadent as a candy bar, so what should we expect from Fruity Cereal Kit-Kats? The entire tongue-popping essence of a full box of Froot Loops, refined and folded into an intimidating Kit-Katana?
It’s hard to say—especially without knowing whether the supposed Froot Loopiness is present in the chocolate or just the wafered innards—but we’ll have a good amount of time to speculate. As junkfoodleaks_ mentions in the above, well, junk food leak, these are due out around a year from now.
What other cereals might make a good candy bar? And vice-versa? If Kellogg’s makes a Kit-Kat Cereal and Kit-Kat then makes a Kit-Kat Cereal Kit-Kat, will that Kit-Kat feel remorseful for stuffing itself with its recycled kin? Such questions may haunt us for years after the next.