Category Archives: Reviews

Review: Franken Berry and Boo Berry Fruit Roll-Ups

IMG_3857I remember a simpler time. A time we call…elementary school.

Back in those days of yore, the lunchroom took upon its own savage ecosystem, with rivaling table kingdoms each simultaneously isolated in their rituals and customs but also warring and bartering with neighbors. Within each kingdom was a long-developed economy of trade, in which treats brought from home carried value that could only be priced in terms of other foods. And like a real economy, these values were ever-fluctuating.

But there was one processed snack that never deviated in its worthiness as edible currency: Fruit Roll-Ups.

While a plastic baggie of half-crumbled cookies may have been worth 3 pre-packaged fruit cups one day and nothing but stale graham crackers the next (after the crash of the unpredictable schoolyard stock market on Oreos, most likely), Fruit Roll-Ups were the gold standard. They never failed to attract the attention of brown paper bag-toting snack brokers everywhere.

And now? They’re going Halloween! Continue reading

Review: Halloween Krave Cereal

IMG_3845It doesn’t take much to put me in the Halloween spirit.

A bag full of flimsy plastic spider rings? Yep. A sheet of glittery pumpkin stickers? Yep. Heck, even a hastily-drawn doodle of a sheet ghost in the margins of a notebook can turn me into the human personification of these emojis:


That’s why Kellogg’s new Halloween edition Krave cereal may be an incredibly simple concept on the surface, but it still has me crying happy, pumpkin spice-scented tears of anticipation for the month to come. Is that an exaggeration? I’ll let your imagination decide. Continue reading

Review: Canadian Cheerios Plus Cereal (Honey Almond & Cinnamon Coconut)

IMG_3830♫ O Canadaaaa… ♪

It’s a shame General Mills wasn’t able to work some form of that musical pun into the promotion of their new, Canada-exclusive line of Cheerios Plus cereals. But I guess I can’t blame them: General Mills U.S. hasn’t used “The Sprinkle-Spangled Banner” yet, either.

As I wrote previously, Cheerios Plus appears to be a Canadian take on the U.S.’s recent Cheerios Protein cereals. Like Cheerios Protein, Cheerios Plus boasts the addition of new, healthier ingredients.

But there are a few differences here between Plus and Protein, both on a surface and flavor level. Cheerios Plus ditches the bulky cardboard box of its U.S. brother in favor of a sleek, modern black bag. I’m not sure how I feel about this choice; on one hand, it reduces waste. But on the other, it leaves my Cheerios in such a fragile state that the noise of a passing lawnmower could pulverize them into dust like an opera singer shattering a wine glass.

But hey, if they’re from a country that already bags its milk, I guess bagged cereal is a logical next step. What’s next: bagged scrambled eggs? Continue reading

Review: Count Chocula Cereal (2015)

Count Chocula BoxIt feels just like Christmas morning…that is, if your idea of Christmas morning involves carved pumpkins, $2 fake cobwebs from CVS, and VHS tapes of the Halloween series playing on infinite repeat (yes, even The Curse of Michael Myers is welcome here).

Why is that?

Because monster cereals are back, baby!

Even though it’s only mid-September, and people haven’t even put away their Labor Day decorations yet (you mean you don’t have a giant inflatable businessman on your front lawn?), Walgreen’s is already committed to injecting the orange and black life essence of Halloween straight into the veins of consumers. Okay, maybe a poor choice of verbiage for a place that contains a pharmacy. Continue reading

Review: Kellogg’s Origins Fruit & Nut Blend Cereal

IMG_3815This summer: Brendan Fraser returns in the prequel to the sequel that no one was asking for. Have you ever wondered about the origins of the Origins?

No? Well too bad.

Because it’s about to get real nutty up in here.

That’s right, last time I reviewed a flavor of Kellogg’s Origins, I likened the name to a Brendan Fraser movie. And like any sequel, this second flavor in Kellogg’s new health-focused line of grain cereals is fraught with disappointment, sadness, and…cranberries?

As before, a cutout section on the box’s front gives a sneak peek into the bag’s contents. So don’t worry: there’s actually cereal inside. Kellogg’s isn’t trying to trick you into buying a box full of gravel and old Beanie Babies. Continue reading

Review: Cracklin’ Oat Bran Cereal

IMG_3811How did I get here?

All I did was innocently pour myself a bowl of Cracklin’ Oat Bran. Sure, my friends told me that it was a “slippery slope,” and that “once you crackle, there’s no going backle.” But I didn’t listen. No cereal could be that good, let alone that addicting.

Yet here I am: curled up in the fetal position on a milk-stained mattress in the basement of some “Cracklin’ house.” As I pull myself to my feet, the air is dusty with cinnamon and graham. I stagger to the door, past the scores of bran junkies, savagely filling their spoons and stuffing their faces with little brown rectangles in a futile attempt to recapture the thrill of that first bowl. I leave, and blinded by the daylight (how long have I been here?), I wonder how I hit this new low.

Cracklin’ Oat Bran: not even once. Continue reading

Review: Crispix Cereal

IMG_3804The year is 20IXIX.

The city is in ruins. Gangs have taken over the streets: burning down kids’ lemonade stands, filling mailboxes with wasps, and helping old ladies cross the street…BY THROWING THEM.

And it’s all because of the diabolical Crispix Corporation.

Are you a bad enough dude to stop them?

Let me amend that post-apocalyptic premise by saying that I have absolutely nothing against Crispix cereal. It just sounds exactly like the name of a generic, evil business conglomerate from an ’80s cyberpunk techno-dystopia movie. Continue reading

Review: Barbara’s Limited Edition Pumpkin Puffins Cereal

IMG_3766Pump-ffins? Puff-kins?

Okay, I’m really glad Barbara’s didn’t try to incorporate cheeky wordplay into the name of their new Pumpkin Puffins cereal, because it’s the kind of pun that looks like it could work, but should probably be outlawed by the U.N.’s International Tribune on Wordplay Sanctions.

Or should I call them the P.U.N.?

But I digress. Sneaking in just ahead of the Autumn harvest is a new pumpkin-flavored cereal from Barbara’s. Like their other Puffins flavors, Barbara’s Pump-ffins take the form of wee little adorable pillows that look like rounded cubes with ridges and bowed-in edges. It’s the kind of complex shape that would make a geometrician sweat just thinking about calculating the surface area to volume ratio.

But luckily we don’t have to calculate any derivatives of pi to cram these hollowed-out cuboids into our hungry pi holes. Continue reading