Category Archives: News

Coming Soon: Reese’s Puffs Peanut Butter Bats!

It’s the Reese’s. They’re…they’re learning.

Elon Musk may fear humanity’s demise at the hand’s of a hostile AI, but I think we should be more afraid of Reese’s. More and more, their chocolate peanut butter legion is beginning to spread like a delicious zombie virus.

See, we started with the humble Reese’s Cup—that’s fine. Heck, it’s darn fine. But before long, strange mutations happened. Reese’s Eggs. Reese’s Trees. Reese’s Footballs. Odd offshoots of the original’s malleable shell and oiled peanut butter that produced shapes far stronger in flavor than their predecessors.

And then things went Nutrageous, with Reese’s Pieces stuffed in mini cups, crunchy cookies, and even a cereal. But now Reese’s Puffs is undergoing shape mutations of its own: first we saw Reese’s Puffs Bunnies, and now the CDC (Center for Deliciousness Control) has confirmed via @markie_devo that Bats are on the way for Halloweentime, too.

How long before they start stuffing Reese’s Pieces in our breakfast, too?

All peanut buttered apocalypses aside, I’m excited to see if these redistribute the cereal’s powdered flavor like the Bunnies did. And now that I think about it, I should stockpile some of those crunchy rabbits now, so I can genetically splice them with the Bats come October.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

Rumor Mill: Post Golden Oreo O’s and Nilla Wafer Banana Pudding Cereals


This is less of a post and more of a “hey you should look at this and freak out with me” update, so…

You should look at this and freak out with me.

I’ve been wanting Golden Oreo O’s and a Nilla Wafer Cereal for years, but this banana pudding element is a surge of adrenaline straight to my Dunk-a-roo icing-encrusted heart. Post: bless you. The rest of you: let’s run really fast in one direction to accelerate Earth’s rotation and make June happen sooner.

It’s the only way.

News: Wild Berry Froot Loops, Banana Raisin Bran, & Vanilla Latte Mini-Wheats!

If you need a minute to process the title you just read, feel free to step outside, have a deep breath/smoke/Tums, or maybe just scream “It’s my money, and I need to spend it on cereal now!

Yes, it’s not often we get an unexpected cereal bomb like the one Kellogg’s just dropped. Rumors about Wild Berry Froot Loops, Banana Raisin Bran, and Vanilla Latte Mini-Wheats have been swirling around the internet recently, but now that we have photo confirmation from markie_devo on Instagram, we’re free to let our country divide itself into a three-party system about which flavor will be best. Continue reading

News: Pop-Tarts Mash Ups are Coming Soon!

Bless you, Dr. Frankenstein.

The chaotic good doctor’s contributions to science may be questionable—he couldn’t even splice “fear of fire” out of his tragic monster: rookie mistake!—but his impact on the breakfast world should not be understated. Aside from giving us the fruity phenomena that is Franken Berry, I like to think ol’ Francis Stein (an ancestor of R.L. Stein, I’ll assume) also normalized the “frankensteining,” mixing-up, swirling, world-colliding, or otherwise mashing up of different foodstuffs into an impressively alien whole.

Famous examples include turkey + duck + chicken, cheese popcorn + caramel popcorn, and of course, purple + ketchup.

And now, these new Pop-Tarts Mash Ups, unveiled by old blogging friend and snackin’ superstar Junk Banter. A clear, and clearly much-needed, reboot of 2007’s Pop-Tarts Splitz, which included pairings of two flavors—Chocolate Strawberry, Chocolate Vanilla, and Strawberry Blueberry—split and splice down the center of a single Pop-Tart, a sensation that looked downright radical in person.

2018’s remixed mix-ups are far more exciting, because one half of each Franken-Tart contains a wholly never-before-tasted Pop-Tart: cult classic Sugar Cookie is paired with Brownie Batter, while straight-up classic Strawberry is joined by Cheesecake.

I expect the first Mash Up to taste like fudgier Chocolate Sugar Cookie Pop-Tarts, and I expect the second to be tasty enough to turn my toaster into a literal Cheesecake Factory.

No word on when these will hit shelves yet, but I do know one thing for sure: keep an eye on my Etsy shop, because as soon as I snag boxes of Pop-Tarts Mash Ups, I’m sewing a Brownie Batter half to a Cheesecake half and blowing all of your minds.

News: Funko Pop Cereals Coming Soon!


It’s a dream—err, perhaps a nightmare on Elm Street—come true!

Funko, the maker of those ubiquitous Pop toys who have immortalized nearly every influential pop culture character from Count Chocula to Cap’n Crunch (and a bunch of other non-cereal ones, I guess) in chibi plastic action figure/doll/toy/collectible form, are now entering the cereal game.

Can’t wait to find a shipping container’s worth of them on clearance at FYE next year. Continue reading

News: Ready Player One Retro Pops & Five Nights at Freddy’s Nightmare Puffs

I no longer identify with the gamer ethos of Ready, Player One. Despite my formative days as a Nintendo fiend, my meeker modern day video game exploits toggle between “remembering how great Kirby is” and “casually trying to bring back Words With Friends to try reliving the emotional high of once playing JUICED on a quadruple word score.”

Yet I support the geek-bending film because it has its own cereal—albeit a very exclusive one. Limited to 200 boxes at the U.K.’s Cereal Killer Cafe, Retro Pops are bound to be harder to find than an SNES Mini.

Since I’m an ocean apart from these colorful Pops, I’ll stick to complaining in America until a movie wants to make a cereal with me. The Shape of Watermelon Oat Flakes? Continue reading

News: Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp Cereal is Coming Soon!

Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp

Image via General Mills

Happy birthday to, uh…

*frantically Googles “February 22nd”*
Dakota Fanning…?

No matter who’s blowing out (or pouring milk on) the candles, I think we can all agree that the surprise appearance of Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp, hitting stores as soon as a week from now, is a cause for celebration.

Now who brought Fudgy the Whale? And the fancy Club Crackers with salami and olives on top? Don’t look at me: I signed up to bring cups.

All cocoa blubber aside, Chip the Wolf (who looks positively PhotoShopped with glee)’s new sugar disks sure look an awful lot like 2009’s Sprinkles Cookie Crisp, but since the box claims they have the “GREAT TASTE OF BIRTHDAY CAKE COOKIES,” I’m willing to give this possible re-release a pass.

Because if a balloon-clutching man yelled that frighteningly nonsensical phrase at me in all caps, I’m not asking any questions.

Who needs milk when you have tears?

News: Chocolate Peanut Butter Pebbles Cereal is Coming Soon!

Peanut Butter Chocolate Pebbles Cereal
This Pebbles news more than rocks: it’s a matter of gravel importance.

Okay, I know those mineral puns were more of a stretch than The Rock doing yoga, but something as momentous as Reese’s-flavored Pebbles cereal deserves elementary sedimentary humor.

*Note: Despite what this video says, I’m told these new Pebbles are not gluten free. Sorry!

Yes, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pebbles are soon to be the latest in Post’s Flintstones-fronted crisped cereal line. First reported by @markie_devo on Instagram, this news held water (and milk) once I discovered, by way of a strangely specific product release YouTube video, that news of this choco-nutty niceness has been hiding in plain sight on the web for 5 months! 

I blame myself for not finding it. My punishment will be self-flagellation with a fossilized Reese’s Nutrageous Bar.

This isn’t the first time Pebbles has dabbled in this two-tone brown field. 2011 saw the release of puffed Chocolate Peanut Butter Boulders, alongside Apple Cinnamon Boulders. And now that those boulders have finally eroded, we can enjoy them again.

While I’ve publicly stated my controversial feelings about Pebbles as overrated—they’re too airy to produce a wholesome crunch, let alone a hunger-satisfying meal—last year’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios were so good there’s no way I can contain my Brontosaurus-sized hype.

I hope I can find a box in a Jif-fy!