Category Archives: News

Kellogg’s NYC Debuts Limited Edition All Together Cereal!

Kellogg's All Together Cereal Box

Images via @kelloggsnyc on Instagram

I’ve always wanted to see a Kellogg’s mascot Battle Royale, but this is way better.

Not only because the Raisin Bran Sun could roast the others in an instant of he wanted—honestly, I admire the electromagnetic restraint—but because the message behind Kellogg’s NYC‘s new All Together Cereal is much more important than a vitamin-fortified Fortnite.

Apparently only available today (10/18) at Kellogg’s NYC, the company’s New York cereal café featuring probably every combo of Frosted Flakes and Pop-Tarts mathematically imaginable, All Together Cereal puts all* of Kellogg’s most famously mascot-fronted cereals on one box!

*The Krave Chocovore doesn’t appear to have been invited. I guess cannibalism and equality are a bit at odds.

Kellogg's All Together Cereal

The cereal is a partnership between Kellogg’s and GLAAD, and it’s part of a wider pledge to stop bullying and support LGBTQ youth—a pledge I fully support, especially as it breaks from cereal’s typical pledge to support local dentists.

By my count (sorry Chocula, not you), there are seven iconic cereals all together-ed up in this box: Apple Jacks, Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran, and Rice Krispies.

So while the message is great, I can’t imagine this would be a cereal I’d eat regularly—something about apple-cinnamon Frooty raisins suggests the combined flavors might be too much to gastronomically decode all at once. Probably for the best they didn’t throw Honey Smacks in there, too.

Jokes aside, if you’re in the area, this is both a good-natured and inevitably pretty rare box to get your hands on. Be sure to send photos if you do—though it like the box is exclusive, but the cereal might be “build-your-own” at the cafe—because if I can’t find a box online somehow, I’ll have to live vicariously through Kellogg’s NYC’s Instagram.

Or I could see how long it takes my local Walmart to notice I’ve assembled a mixing trough in the cereal aisle.

News: Pop-Tarts Crisps are Back, in Two Flavors!

Strawberry Pop-Tarts Crisps

(Update: We reviewed them!)

Is Pop-Tarts getting the gang back together?

Hear me out: Pop-Tarts history is rich with not only decadent filling, but with convenience-focused pastry offshoots, too. And from the mid-’90s up until just a few years ago, these cult classic pieces of Pop-Tart paraphernalia have died off, leaving only the humble P-T in its original, rectangularly sugar-sandwiched form.

But in the span of just a few months, it’s beginning to look like Pop-Tarts isn’t just reanimating one of its bite-, fun-, and nibble-sized products, but nearly all of them. First we heard that Pop-Tarts Crunch will be back (in both classic varieties), by early 2019.

Then came the spiritual successor of Pop-Tarts Mini-Crisps, the poshly pouched Pop-Tarts Bites, which will also come in the brand’s flagship flavors of Strawberry and Brown Sugar Cinnamon.

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Crisps

And now that we have confirmation of “new” Pop-Tarts Crisps—in, surprise surprise, “Strawberrylicious” and “Brown Sugar Cinnamazing”—that means the toaster pastry leviathan’s oft-forgotten Snak-Stix are also (sort of) back. You know, to fill our stomachs and couch cushions with crispy-crumbly Pop-Tarts flavor in a wafered-enough form to justify it as a light, pre-breakfast snack.

While they’re still filled, it remains to be seen just how well these Pop-Tarts Crisps—which look more like, in a highly complimentary way, iced cross-sections of cardboard than Pop-Tarts—will stack up against their pastry predecessors, but for now, this news leaves me with two important questions to ponder:

1) Will S’Mores, let alone Cookies & Cream, ever get another chance at spin-off stardom?

2) And more importantly, will Go-Tarts come back next to complete the crunchy quadrilogy?

I need my grippable, Go-Gurt sized Pop-Tart fix, people!

News: Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch is Returning for Holiday 2018!

Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch Cereal 2018

Image via Walmart

I just don’t understand the obsession with Santa Claus.

Yeah, yeah, I get it: ‘cap on head, suit that’s red; special night, beard that’s white,’ and all that holly jolly jazz. But he comes every year, without fail, on the same day! Where’s the excitement in that?

Everyone knows true mythological icons don’t show their secret selves on any regular schedule. If they did, we’d all have chupacabras hatching from our Easter eggs. No, the true holiday legends appear when you least suspect them—whether that means a collision course with Macy’s Sonic the Hedgehog balloon, a goaty hug from Krampus, or an unexpected visit from Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch

To uninitiated taste buds, Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch may sound like a merry meal at best, or an overly sweet slop at worst. But for those of us who tried these twinklingly dusted squares during their illustrious two-year run know that it’s something more: a wonderful collision of buttery cookie dough and a box of powdered donuts (perhaps a herald of what’s to come?), all topped with a blizzard of flaky vanilla icing

The cereal has high cult appeal, and for two years now, many have eagerly awaited its return. Each December, we set aside our palate differences in support of two common goals: restore the spirit of Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, and crush any alleged substitute into stardust.

And it seems this year we’ve finally brute-forced our way onto the nice list, because new art for Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch has appeared on Walmart’s site. The cereal isn’t available yet—as it shouldn’t be; my porch pumpkins haven’t even begun their slow disintegration yet!—but the very gift of its possible presence is enough to have me happily crunching through the autumn leaves—in anticipation of crunching something better.

So thank you to Hillary H. for the tip on these, and my appreciation to all who made their love for Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch heard. Now, would you mind redirecting that energy to help push General Mills’ gumdrop buttons about a Gingerbread Toast Crunch?

I wouldn’t even mind if it were in Churro form!

News: Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts are Coming Soon!

Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts

How exactly do you de-caramelize something?

Sure, you could grab some Barbasol and shave a caramel apple, but it would be much harder to cleanly disembowel a Rolo, power wash some caramel corn, or exorcise a Werther’s Original.

And I bet it would be downright impossible to synthesize the caramel out of a Caramel Apple Pop-Tart, so while we have yet to hear if Kellogg’s delightfully golden-juiced toaster pastries will be returning this year, we do know the brand’s autumnal fair will soon be joined by Crisp Apple. So this could be Caramel Apple unmasked, or Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts could just be the spiritual successor to the busheled lineage of apple Pop-Tarts flavors that have already come and gone.

Apple Cinnamon. Apple Blast. Apple Strudel. American Apple Pie. Apple Cinnamon Muffin. Jolly Rancher Green Apple. The list goes on—heck, Apple Currant was even one of Pop-Tarts opening flavors. But the unconventionally named Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts—were they not named Apple Crisp to avoid the cinnamon dessert-esque connotations?—rather than an inside-out apple pie, look more like Apple Blast than anything, with a simple sheet-ghost frosting and likely beige filling.

As first reported by Candy Hunting, these will be an exclusive Pop-Tart flavor, but we don’t know where at yet. So while there’s an outside chance your local orchard is growing an exclusive strain of them, Crisp Apple’s jumbo packaging suggests, at least to me, that a big box store like Walmart might be a better place to camp.

It won’t stop me from doing my Johnny Appleseed cosplay, though!

News: Reese’s Puffs Hearts are Coming for Valentine’s Day!

Oof, there are so many emojis available to express my reaction to Reese’s Puffs Hearts, the latest in the brand’s series of “same flavor, different surface area” varieties. I need to choose my pixelated emotions carefully.

The twinkling euphoria of 💖 definitely feels right, but so does the transcendent multiplicity of 💕 and 💞. ❣️ and 💝 are too forward. And 💘? What is this, a Kindergarten Valentine’s card exchange?

No, for news this delicious, I have to choose something universally accessible, whether it’s on an iPhone XS or a Jitterbug XL. <3 is overdone, so I’ll go with this:

Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 3.27.21 PM

Shoutout to Cerealously’s frequently contributing pal @markie_devo for his discovery of what may just be the first major Valentine’s Day Cereal—though not the first ever. I hope this paves the way for more hearty cereals, perhaps even one that’s flavored for the Hallmark holiday. Perhaps a Box of Chocolates Cereal, where every other bite is mint or coconut?

Or maybe…hear me out on this one: Envelope Glue Loops. Gotta lick ’em all!

As Markie says, we can expect to these hearts pumped out to shelves in early 2019. Until then, feel free to show our Submissions page some love if you see a new cereal of your own!

Introducing The Empty Bowl Podcast!

Is separating your Reese’s Puffs into a two-toned sepia yin yang not bringing you peace?

Do you find Raisin Bran Crunch ASMR compilations more terrifying than tranquil?

And have therapists dismissed your destructive desire to go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?

If so, there’s a solution for you! I’m proud to help debut The Empty Bowl podcast. Hosted by me and advice-guru turned cereal-yogi Justin McElroy (of My Brother, My Brother & Me fame), this is a meditative podcast about cereal, designed to help you focus on the sense of slowed-down zen that comes with a well-proportioned bowl of morning cereal.

From the first clink of cereal in the bowl to the last slurp of endmilk, eating cereal is a calming ritual, and The Empty Bowl’s news recaps, mini reviews, and exciting variety segments aim to fill it with a calming white noise (the dairy kind, of course).

In our maiden cereal voyage, Justin and I discuss Monster Cereals, Malt-O-Meal & Cold Stone Creamery’s recent Our Strawberry Blonde, and the curious case of Cherry Vanilla Cheerios—here’s the YouTube video from that segment, just to make sure you see it in your nightmares later:

The show is available on a multitude of platforms you can discover from our hub on Anchor—I look forward to sharing more episodes soon!

I’d love to hear your feedback on the show so far, and if you have segment recommendations, feel free to send them our way in the comments or on Twitter.

And thank you all for supporting this blog for so long that I’m able to do this—at this rate we’ll have Cerealously’s Cutthroat Pantry on the Food Network by 2020, and Cerealously 4D: The Interactive VR Digestive Journey at Epcot by 2022.

But until then, feel free to ditch the essential Cap’n Crunch oils and lend us your ears!

Rumor Mill: Three New Kellogg’s Cereals!


What do the three images above have in common?

Well, they’re all core ingredients in my new, patent-pending-a-restraining-order weight loss formula: Dumpy Dan’s morBID Your Pounds Goodbye Smoothie, which blends together 11 secret carbs and candies to help you lose weight by killing you instantly—thus slowing your metabolism! Best paired with exercise, do not try at home, work, or all.

Jokes aside, each iconic (or at least iconically squishy) food above is the flavorful star of Kellogg’s cereals rumored to be coming soon.

Based on tips from fellow snack food f(r)iends Junk Food Aisle and Candy Hunting, we’ve been able to confirm online grocery database listings for Banana Cream Frosted Flakes, Honey Nut Frosted Flakes, and a potential Peeps Cereal. Unfortunately, none have pictures, but the mental pictures they conjure are enough to leave my taste buds literally watering enough to figuratively fill a marshmallow-bedrocked lagoon.

The first is particularly exciting, because Banana Frosted Flakes have long been a cult favorite since Tony’s more straw-esome days. The second is also intriguing, because if any cereal has the potential to disrupt America’s comparatively wholesome, best-selling cereal, it’s sugar-smacked flakes of corn. After all, when’s the last time you saw a bee take down a tiger?

As for Peeps Cereal, we know very little—I would hope for more than a marshmallow-flavored marshmallow cereal, because ol’ Anthony T. Tiger has pretty much given us that already. Granted, we could be misinterpreting the rumors altogether, because the product’s listed name is “Kellogg’s Licensed Brands Cereal Peeps,” it might mean we’ll be getting Froot Loops and Smorz-flavored Peeps instead of the other way around.

But hey, maybe Kellogg’s is playing the long game, and they’ll just turn that into Froot Loop-flavored Peeps-flavored Cereal. Meta-licious!

Stay tuned to our blog and social media, where I’ll post any updates on this story as it develops. Thanks again to our tipsters—if you know anything more about any new cereals, hit up our Submissions page.

News: Pop-Tarts Cereal Will Return in Early 2019!

2018 Pop-Tarts Cereal Strawberry Box

Photo via Kellogg’s

(Update: We reviewed both flavors!)

You ever hear news so good, it gets you feeling a little warm?

But not like, the bad, sweaty, smelly kind. Or the hauntingly feverish kind either. More like the cozily grill-lined, hot & toasty feeling of a warm blanket, or perhaps a toaster set to massage mode.

That’s how I felt when receiving visual confirmation that Pop-Tarts Crunch, a cereal thought to be lost by the technicolor dawn of Y2K and then unsuccessfully rebooted around 2013, will be returning to shelves on just as the year 20-ea-ting ends.

Continue reading