Category Archives: News

News: Millville Peanut Butter & Jelly Puffs!

Millville Peanut Butter & Jelly Puffs Cereal Box

Now we’re talkin’!

Perhaps sensing my grating distaste for granulated, tasteless rings, an unexpected source is about to relieve my weathered sweet tooth from the kind of breakfast blandness slowly eroding it like a suckled candy cane.

It’s aptly titled “Peanut Butter & Jelly Puffs,” a no-nonsense, respectably minimalistic name that nevertheless belies the sheer insanity of the stuff’s chuckle-some mascots, who could totally wipe the floor with the Apple Jacks mascots in a tag-team cage match—just look at that strawberry’s Medusa hair, and the peanut’s gravity-defying buck-nut tooth!

This isn’t the first time Aldi store-brand Millville has stunned us with a novel concept. Last year, my brain was warped by the goodness of Snickerdoodle Kookies, a cereal that led me to uncover Millville as a puppet brand of Post. So while it’s not entirely surprising that Post, who has been reliably delivering creative cereals for over a year now, is the one to fulfill my unending hunger for PB&J cereals, it still calls into question why they’re trying something so experimental exclusively at Aldi.

Perhaps, if Snickerdoodle Kookies is any indication, if Peanut Butter & Jelly Puffs goes over well, it will be picked up by Malt-O-Meal for a wider release. This would suggest that Millville is a trial kitchen of sorts for Post’s wilder ideas, which then supply Malt-O-Meal with testable flavors to release on the Post label proper.

No matter the grand strategic alignment, I am excited. Strawberry jelly is my preferred filling over grape, and I personally loved JIF’s interpretation of PB&J cereal from way back. Plus, the only other cereal of its kind I’ve had since was an embarrassment to lunchboxes everywhere, so here’s hoping Peanut Butter & Jelly Puffs puts a sticky-sweet smile on my face again.

And even if it doesn’t, PB&J is still a gateway taste to a Fluffernutter Cereal.

News: 3 More Unicorn Charms & a Cookie-less Christmas

If your first reaction to this news is, “Where have you been for the last month, Dan?” then you and I feel similarly.

Though it’s been nearly a month since Lucky Charms introduced three new colorways to their equestrian arsenal of marshmallows, I only found out about them last night.

Continue reading

News: Lucky Charms Magically Delicious Marshmallows!

Lucky Charms Magically Delicious Marshmallows

Though the era of McDonald’s “supersize me” option has been gut-wrenchingly sent to a highly processed farm upstate, at least someone is retaining the spirit of giga-scopic food enlargement.

And of all cryptozoological people, it’s Lucky the Leprechaun?

I’m not entirely surprised by this—Lucky has been exceptionally puckish lately—but the surprise doesn’t need to be bigger than my stomach. Nor can it be when it comes to full-size, fully bagged and Jet-Puffed Lucky Charms marshmallows.

Mimicking three of the cereal’s iconic marbit charms—moons, clovers, hearts and non-shooting stars (which, uhhh, aren’t actually Lucky Charms marshmallows)—these ‘mallows don’t mimic the texture or taste of real Charm-bits, either. They’re simply s’more-ready, vanilla-flecked marshmallows.

Ooh, now I’ve got an idea: freshly bonfired Moon-pies. Hope I don’t get dunked on by their Twitter account for that.

According to Lucky Charms, these marshmallows are already available in stores. As I look for them, I’ll be sure to eat plenty of gravel, so that my intestines are already braced for the impact of a whole bowl of these squishy suckers doused in milk. Wait, isn’t that how they make napalm?

News: Kellogg’s Baby Shark Cereal

Kellogg's Baby Shark Cereal Box

Get back! Stay away from me! I’ve drawn a protective circle in the sand that thou shan’t not breach!

Sorry if I sound overly defensive, but it’s been three years and I’ve still never once heard the parasitic ear-worm known as “Baby Shark.” Sure, I’ve seen the memes, and I’ve heard gut-wrenching testimony from parents on the shoreline of despair, unable to stop the shark from hammering its tune into their head.

I don’t want to hear it, and I’ll strap pillows to my head if it means protecting my noodle from a Great White heck-bent (this is a children’s cereal) on devouring my own grey matter. To me, the only “doo doo doo” I need to remember is from Nickelodeon GUTS.

For this memetic oceanic virus isn’t content with staying online any more. As the first YouTuber cereal to hit shelves, Kellogg’s Baby Shark Cereal beats out other, cleverer ideas like Tay Zonday’s Chocolate Grain, The Evolution of Brans, and Charlie Bit My Ladyfingers.

But hey, at least we’ve got a Gangnam Style Cereal.

Baby Shark Cereal, which debuts at Sam’s Club for August 17th’s Shark Week before hitting other retailers in September, features “Berry Fin-tastic” rings and marshmallows—which is code for, “we couldn’t sell enough Caticorn Cereal (another Sam’s Club exclusive), so we expelled it from the Mytho-Mammalian class and into the realm of cerebrally carnivorous kids’ marine life.”

So while I do expect Baby Shark Cereal’s flavor to be familiarly unfulfilling, as with all cases I must reserve judgement until I can sink my own teeth into it. If it includes a free puka shell necklace inside, I may just be able to forgive this infant terror of the deep for what it’s done to eardrums everywhere.

News: Lucky Charms Crispy Rice Clusters Cereal

Lucky Charms Crispy Rice Clusters Cereal Box

Oh, Lucky, you beautiful chameleon of predatory cereal assimilation: you’ve done it again!

Early last year, the breakfast aisle’s favorite impish Irelander threw all caution to the sugar-swirled wind with Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes, a marbit mashup that may not have tasted amazing, but was nevertheless a flippant play that earned my respect for poking the Kellogg’s tiger-bear.

And now, in a move so unprecedented in both shade and punctuality, it seems Lucky Charms wants to remedy the biggest cereal crisis to plague an infinity of earths: the death of Rice Krispies Treats Cereal as we knew it. Continue reading

News: A New Look for Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Cinnamon Toast Crunch New Box Design

Yes, I was indeed only sent an (empty) miniature box. I guess now I can use it to hold…belly button lint?

When I got an email about a secret Cinnamon Toast Crunch surprise coming to my house, my mind swirled with possibilities:

Peanut Butter Toast Crunch’s return?

The early merriment of a new Gingerbread Toast Crunch?

Ooh, or maybe a personal Cinnamon Toast Crunch feeding trough, with two sides so me and the boys can chug some endmilk and also dispose of it baseball stadium style?

Unfortunately/hygienically, it was none of the above, but instead a rousing rebrand of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch we’ve come to know and love (by which I mean immediately recycle as the cereal inside evaporated into the no-longer-thin air of my esophagus).

My thoughts on the new design, including its now-emojified and less-sociopathic squares? It has its ups and downs.

The new mascots themselves just don’t sit right with me. I get that emojis are pretty much pictographic accents, but this looks like they were sort of pasted onto the box like a kid committing the mortal sin of slapping a few Goofy stickers on the side of his mom’s sedan.

May he rue the day he unleashed the scourge of residue.

But besides the boys in beige, I like the rest of what General Mills did with the Cinnamon Toast Crunch color palette. I’m getting serious Splatoon vibes from the iridescent puddles of liquefied CTC Pantone swatches, and I can only wish my own cereal milk was painted with such a powerful technicolor dream coat.

So what do you think of it? No word yet on how this branding might extend to the other Toast Crunch properties, but if Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch makes its triumphant return come December, I hope the Cinnamojis at least bring some of my favorite emojis over for dinner.


Hmm, on second thought, maybe I shouldn’t be in charge of the entrees.

News: Creepy Cocoa Crisp M&M’s

Creepy Cocoa Crisp Cereal M&M's

Hey Kellog—you know what, never mind.

I was going to ask why we’ve never gotten an M&M’s cereal yet, given that M&M’s Cocoa Krispies Treats exist and would make for a logical in-bowl deconstruction. But then I remembered that I’ve already put M&M’s on cereal before, during an ill-fated attempt at cereal trail-mixology that resulted in a food dye-streaked sea of milky raisin anchors. It had a sort of radioactive beauty.

Now that I’ve spread that memory contagion, I can move on. Perhaps testing the borders of what this blog will continue “cereal news,” Mars is releasing Creepy Cocoa Crisp M&M’s, which have already been spotted at Target. This means that either the Halloween season has annexed half of summer, or we’re about to waste away the dog days with werewolves.

Of course, Crispy M&M’s have been around for a while (after not being around for a bit), but Krispies be darned, their branding isn’t as overtly….Cerealous (I’m allowed to say that) as Creepy Cocoa Crisp.

Now, the gentle M&M’s consumer—who feels like inspiring autumnal dread in even the sunniest day—can more viscerally picture themselves carving open an M&M lengthwise to make two edible mini-bowls of chibi cereal crumbs. But hey, that Seymour-pleasing borealis coming off the spoon? And that nugget of a cloak clasp that is apparently giving Red nefarious spectral privileges?

You know what, I’m on board. Let’s skip past Emperor Augustus’ month and autumn’s crimson entrance, landing fudge-filling-first into Halloween’s now-crisper winds. Heck, let’s do the M&M’s Cereal too.

Phew. If just thinking about these cereal-adjacent M&M’s gets me this imaginative, eating them might make me drool auroral energy. But luckily, most of America probably has until September until this cereal–creature confection hits shelves. Our thanks to Munchie Bunchie for sharing the first spotting, from notoriously pro-M&M retailer Target.

News: Count Chocula’s 2019 Return

Warning: the below cereal is scary.


Downright perturbing and petrifying.

Last chance to tuck in your inner child somewhere beneath your liver.

Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Count Chocula 2019 Monster Cereal Box

If you’re unsure why the above cereal box art sparks so much primal revulsion in the pits of my soul, you’ve got a few decades of creatively Choculated lore to catch up on. For so long, General Mills’ Monster Cereals—and especially Count Chocula, as their de facto fanged leader—have returned during the Halloween season with new charming box themes and art styles, making them reliably nostalgic accent pieces for any reboot-free horror movie marathon.

But ever since the Monster Cereals’ oat flour formula was infamously changed—a decision that likely fractured us into the darkest timeline—their theming has gotten as inspired as the Children of the Corn franchise. At least to me, it feels like a palpable loss of innocence, especially since 2013’s gave false hope by bringing back Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy for just one year. Continue reading