Category Archives: News

News: Target Launches Market Pantry Cereal Bowl Ice Cream

Market Pantry Target Cereal Bowl Ice Cream

You know, if it weren’t for the Country Music Awards, we might not be in this mess.

See, the use of “Cereal,” “Cereal Bowl” or any other such noshing nomenclature really needs to be standardized. When a company tries to infuse cereal flavor into a distinctly non-cereal entity, there’s no bottom line for quality control or forced respect for the wild diversity of cereal flavor available. Much like the Food & Drug Administration, I feel we need to establish a similar agency to ensure we don’t grow complacent with plain ol’ cinnamon as the generic stand-in for cerealized snacks.

Such a bureau would have to be called the Cereal & Milk Administration, but who would take our acronym seriously?

Now I’m not knocking on Target’s Market Pantry store brand, but out of all the possible iconic cereal tastes you could choose as the stuff’s ice cream ambassador, the likeness of Cinnamon Toast Crunch—itself an interpretation of a different breakfastuff—seems underwhelming compared to the possibilities presented by Froot Loops, Golden Grahams, or even Crunch Berries.

But hey, if Cereal Bowl Ice Cream sounds right up your aisle, don’t let my mildly lactose-intolerant mewling take your eyes off the prize. I’ll still probably buy it, just to spite my intestines.

They’ve been getting reeeeeal cocky lately. Someone’s gotta put ’em in their place.

Coming Soon: Frosted Mini-Wheats Filled – Mixed Berry

2019 Frosted Mini-Wheats Mixed Berry Filled

And the hits. Just. Keep. Coming.

You thought Blueberry Eggo Cereal was exciting? Psh, maybe if you’re a garden variety syrup snob.

And Blueberry Muffin Toasters? Don’t make me laugh. Isn’t that just Eggo for squares?

No, what any true-goo cereal fan should be excited for is just this: dry, sugar-dusted wheat bricks tenderly squelched (12%) full of dried mixed berry goo.

Uh, you know, when I put it that way, it doesn’t sound quite as good as bite-sized griddle cakes and cerealized Seinfeld concept restaurants. But regardless, thanks again to cereal sleuth of the month (year?) Devin, we now know that the Mixed Berry variety of Filled Frosted Mini-Wheats will be returning—though I wouldn’t blame you if you never noticed it leave.

In fact, this cereal concept is so niche—and admittedly blasé in its appeal—that I can’t even find an accurate lifespan for its original incarnation. The only key indicator that 2019 (or 2020)’s version is new is that they’re now simply called “Filled” instead of “Touch of Fruit in the Middle,” a welcome renaming that will no-doubt stave off my carpal tunnel minutes longer when it comes time to review this stuff.

Regardless, fans of fruit and obfuscatory wheat cages for said fruit can prep their berry-discerning taste buds to try this one soon. I mean, there is blueberry in there, so we can safely assume these will take well to butter and maple syrup.


Coming Soon: Pretzel Pop-Tarts & Froot Loop Pop-Tarts

Pretzel Pop-Tarts Brown Sugar Cinnamon & Chocolate

Photo via Candy Hunting

I’m sure you’re all familiar with the phrase “jumping the shark” by this point. You know, major turning points in the absurdity of any given property over time. The final season of Scrubs. The 3D television. The Renaissance. Many such cases.

And it seems even breakfast products in the best couple years have been iteratively cranking the the dubious complexity dial on their flavoring up to 100(g of sugar or degrees of abstraction). For cereal, this was less of a shark jumping than a sour patching, as this year’s gut-warpingly weird Sour Patch Kids Cereal eroded a hole in the proverbial stomach lining of possibility, allowing and normalizing the entrance of other cereal mutations—for better or worse.

Pop-Tarts, on the other hand, seemed to go off the deep end—right into the uncanny crumb catcher—earlier, with Maple Bacon Pop-Tarts heralding many other largely gimmicky Tarts.

Thankfully, Pop-Tarts’ latest conceptual sneak peeks are far more domesticated in their wildness than their second latest—I was worried we’d too-quickly evolve from Scanning our Tarts to Embedding Our Holo-Tarts With Genetic Seasoning (for the last Valentine’s Day before the Pastry Singularity.

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News: The Return of Star Wars Cereal

Star Wars Cereal 2019 Rise of Skywalker

Hey you: yeah, you!

Do you love cereal as much as Han Solo knows Leia loves him?

Do you find yourself hyperdriving through boring, terrestrial cereals without a dent in your appetite?

Has your stomach ever rumbled so hard that you wondered whether there was a hypothermic Jedi warming himself inside you?

Well then you may be in luck: General Mills is teaming up with Lucasfilms again to bring back Star Wars Cereal. The last time we saw this stuff was in 2015/16, when it debuted in boxes bearing Yoda, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Rey and BB-8. After The Force Awakens, we didn’t get anything special for The Last Jedi. But now that The Rise of Skywalker is looming like a metropolitan cloud formation, we’re getting updated boxes featuring BB-8 and new droid D-O (who looks like a mobile megaphone), alongside Kylo Ren and a “red Sith Trooper” (who looks like a more vanilla Emperor’s Royal Guard).

Granted, this cereal really isn’t anything special: it’s a generic corn base with the same ol’, largely inscrutable marbit Darth Rorschachs.

But if you’re a die-hard Star Wars fan or the parent of one, you’ll probably want to sneak some of this into theaters this December—in a milk-filled fanny pack, of course.  Just don’t expect the back of the box to be anything but a watered-down version of those Star Wars Cross-Section books.

News: Toasted Coconut Cheerios are Coming Soon!

New Toasted Coconut Cheerios Box

Quick: forget everything you know about fall.

That big holiday everyone loves? Oh, you mean Spooksgiving?

Crunchy stuff that falls from trees? Those are bird fossils. Don’t touch.

Don’t even get me started on PSLs. Palm Sauced Luau-fuel is what I call ’em. Yes, as Cheerios has proved, something as summery as Toasted Coconut should still be allowed to be a flavor for colder seasons—for, uh, some reason.

You might think that Toasted Coconut Cheerios are just an early leak for Summer 2020, but these tropical rings have already been spotted in the pre-wintertide wild:

With all kinds of “OTHER NATURAL FLAVORS,” Toasted Coconut Cheerios will soon join a proud lineage of seasonal Cheerios. But whether it successfully staves off fall fatigue—or if it’s a bit more forgettable—remains to be seen, spiced, and sighed through autumn’s crisp, whispering winds.

Err, I mean, “Summer’s 3-Month Yawn.”

News: First Look at New Malt-O-Meal Blueberry Muffin Toasters

New Malt-O-Meal Blueberry Muffin Toasters Tops Revival

That muffin you like is going to come back in style.

Blueberry Muffin Tops? Heard of ’em? Dreamt of ’em? Wept for ’em? Many do all three at once.

This early 2000s cult favorite pastried cereal had an impressive life, between being one of very few “Malt-O-Meal Originals” at the time, being criminally under-discussed save for its memorable feature in what is likely the most confusing cereal event to witness without context:

But it’s been discontinued for some time now, despite many fans lamenting for them, their pleas echoing unheard in whatever barren blueberry patch M-O-M had abandoned.

Nevertheless, the cereal persisted. A conspicuously short time after Justin and I discussed the cereal on The Empty Bowl, I shared a rumor that the cereal would be revived as Blueberry Muffin Toasters—and now we have visual confirmation of the beautiful stuff!We must again thank reader Devin, who already tipped us off about Blueberry Eggo Cereal‘s upcoming release. Sort of an interesting impasse Kellogg’s and Malt-O-Meal have found themselves in—each releasing an ooey-gooey fresh-baked blueberry cereal around the same time.

Who will triumph? Toaster or griddle? With a jar of peanut butter as my witness, I vow to find out in a JIFfy.

News: Blueberry Eggo Cereal is Coming Soon!

Kellogg's Blueberry Eggo Cereal

Buckle up, friends: we’re in for a ride.

In fact, you should probably buckle up, drive to your nearest greasy spoon station, pull up to pump #4, Ignore the standard unleaded butter and mid-grade compotes. No, only super premium syrup will provide the fuel needed for this high-octane breakfast road trip.

You may recall that August 24 was National Waffle Day, which, unlike the seemingly arbitrarily dated National Cereal Day, actually commemorates the anniversary of the first waffle iron patent. You may also remember that on said red-letter day, the red-fonted Eggo Twitter account promised to bring back Eggo Cereal, should they get 10,000 retweets.

They did, of course, and while we may pose several conspiracy theories about the legitimacy of those stats—it takes a long time to make a new cereal, so they likely already had it ready, plus the retweets stalled at 4,000 for a week before launching up conspicuously—but it seems the end result more than makes up for it.

Yes, thanks to reader Devin, we have an exclusive first look at Blueberry Eggo Cereal! No word yet on whether original Maple will return as well—to fill the Waffle Boy sized hole left in my heart—but this alone is beyond exciting. Looking at these indigo-specked waffle rounds, I’m holding onto hope that these taste more like Ralston’s legendary Blueberry Waffleos than Cap’n Crunch’s ho-hum Blueberry Pancake Crunch.

No word yet on when these jacks will flap onto shelves, but I think the moral of the story is that we all should be guilt-tripping sassy brand Twitter accounts into creating or reviving innovative cereals. After all, it’s the least they can do in return for filling our timelines with embarrassing “wrap battles” about Crunchwraps and Jimmy Dean breakfast burritos.

News: Golden Grahams S’Mores Bites

Golden Grahams S'Mores Bites

Oooooh, Golden Grahams: you’re looking good! You’re 44 going on :30!

No, seriously—this is a big step for Golden Grahams. This criminally underrated 1975 cereal almost always gets the short end of the campfire roasting stick when it comes to creative new variations. Perhaps it’s an intentional—and respectable—commitment to the purity of Golden Grahams’ sterling reputation, but the fact that we’ve never seen a Peanut Butter or Chocolate Golden Grahams leaves my heart crying honey-drop tears not unlike the cereal’s short-lived ’80s mascot:

But when Golden Grahams does get an ancillary exploration of flavor potential, it’s always in a cereal-adjacent form. We’ve gotten a couple different Golden Grahams cereal bars, and now the no-brainer concept of Golden Grahams and s’mores ingredients—a notion already popularized by Post and subsidiary Malt-O-Meal—is getting a more well-rounded interpretation.

Piggybacking off the presumed success of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bites, Golden Grahams S’Mores Bites deliver thirty rounds of choco-‘mallow stuffed graham balls to your microwave, and in just thirty more seconds, you can have enough incendiary enjoyment to launch a trebuchet of ’em into your neighbor’s potluck.

I don’t know about you, but I’m super excited. Graham as a flavor—or even just an abstract principle—deserves more representation. So here’s hoping these Bites are the start of a slow roll into 2020: the Year of Golden Graham’d Experiences.