Category Archives: News

News: Malt-O-Meal Churr-O’s Cereal

Malt-O-Meal Churr-O's Cereal

As the world keeps turning, burning, yearning, spurning, and churning, a little Churro-ning goes a long way.

In a clear revival of their long-lost Mini Cinnamon Churros Cereal, which disappeared from shelves around 2013, Post and its cereal subsidiary Malt-O-Meal are bringing the tubular treat back to shelves with Churr-O’s Cereal, a decidedly more rounded take on churros.

Though they’ve always been a beloved dessert, churros are having a renaissance of sorts in the breakfast aisle. Between General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros, Chocolatey Churro Pop-Tarts and Kellogg’s of Mexico’s Panaderia Churros Cereal, there’s never been a better time to eat cinnamon cylinders in the morning.

Though these have already been spotted at Walmart, you can keep your eyes peeled for Churr-O’s Cereal near you with Malt-O-Meal’s product locator.

News: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnadust Seasoning Blend

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnadust

Ha, good luck catching me now, legal sharks: let’s see how your eyes like…


I have reason to practice such self defense. When I first leaked news of a Cinnamon Toast Crunch seasoning blend several months ago, I immediately had to take the post down after being served a crisp Cinnamon Toast Cease & Desist Letter. Granted, it was sent not by General Mills but by a company that focus-groups new product ideas, but it is funny that this one actually came out, since a lot of products teased in programs like that never come to fruition.

I mean seriously: why Cinnadust? It’s ostensibly just cinnamon and sugar together in a spice bottle, which you can already buy, right? Well, the product’s official release also claims there are traces of vanilla and graham to be found within, which, aside from being exciting, really makes this more of a Post Honey Maid Cinnamon Graham Cereal Seasoning Blend, huh?

No matter its specific formulation, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cinnadust is sure to have a lot of applications when it releases this September at Sam’s Club, and in 2021 everywhere else. You could wear it on your face like fake five o’clock shadow. You could pretend to sneeze it out and convince people you’re cereal-blooded.

You could even bring it to the beach and return it to nature, allowing it to mingle with fish bones and driftwood once more.

News: Chocolate Eggo Cereal

New Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal

How does the poem go?

Do not weep for Waffle Crisp, for it is not gone.
It is the wind that shakes the mighty Maple.
It is the gentle butter that melts upon your face.
It is the crisped batter bubble that griddles through the dark amber.
It is the sticky remnants of a syrup’d stream. 

Something like that. The point is that while I, like most, may never stop mourning the U.S. discontinuation of Waffle Crisp, the mantle of maple cereals now lies on strong shoulders. After Eggo Cereal was discontinued itself back in 2012 and only just revived last year in Homestyle Maple and Blueberry flavors, it seems the stuff was successful enough to warrant another iteration.

Granted, I’d think Chocolate Chip would make more sense, but I can’t stay mad at the idea of a chocolate maple cereal. First teased by Cereal Snob a few days ago and since confirmed by Kellogg’s, a Chocolate Eggo Cereal is indeed coming soon.

Though perhaps I shouldn’t get too excited, as the naming and description for this product cleverly dances around the word “maple,” leaving it unclear whether this might be just another chocolate cereal.

“Kellogg’s Eggo Chocolate Waffle Cereal has the delicious taste and mouthwatering aroma of Eggo, all packed into an indulgent mini chocolate waffle piece. Each piece is dusted with chocolatey goodness that saturates the milk all the way to the last bite, leaving a bowl of delectable chocolatey cereal milk. The new cereal will be available at retailers nationwide in December.”

Well there you have it: all we know is that we know nothing for sure. Oh well, December is a ways away (about three weeks of quarantine, it will feel like). For now, I’m just glad Eggo is helping those of us who won’t…ahem…let go of Waffle Crisp’s memory.

News: Chocolate Life Cereal

New Chocolate Life Cereal

Talk about a redundant name. We all know that chocolate, much like ball, already is life. Ergo, when life gives you chocolate, it’s really giving you it’s all.

But do I trust Chocolate and Life to successfully meld in the same cereal? That remains to be seen, as I have a bit of a review backlog to clear before I go on the prowl for Quaker’s newly released cocoa-infused, multigrain thatched squares. I’ll admit, I’m a little apprehensive; I’m not the biggest Life cereal fan, simply because they lack a satisfying crunch, instead of crisping into kindling like a road-rolled Chex piece. Plus, Life’s latest new cereals didn’t blow me away either.

But with my dark outlook on Life, I might just be the eternal pessimist. If the idea of Chocolate Life has you ready to uproot yours in search of it, you can already find it listed on

News: Pokémon Cereal (2020)


Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there. I was just playing some Smash Bros. to celebrate Cereal Life‘s leak of an upcoming new Pokémon Cereal from General Mills. My character? Pichu, of course. Who else is there?

But much like everyone’s favorite pre-evolved rat, I might be hurting myself by getting too electrically excited. See, Pokémon Cereal has a very dear reputation, especially to me. With the original Pokémon Cereal released by Kellogg’s in 2000, this General Mills “Berry Bolt” cereal has a lot to live up to. Sure, Kellogg’s version was *just* an oats & marbits cereal, like any ol’ Lucky Charm chaser, but what it lacked in originality—and hey, it still tasted great—it made up for with charm: namely, adorably diverse pastel marshmallows, a holographically embossed box, and bowl pal toys inside.

Will General Mills’ team bring anything so super nostalgically effective to the table? Since as with most of Cereal Life’s leaks, the box art here is far from final, it’s difficult to say—however, as it is a puffed cereal, it’s very unlikely to be anything but corn based (and therefore extremely weak to both Oat and Milk type Pokémon), while its two meager, monochrome marshmallow designs leave me about as giddy as a post-dinner Snorlax.

Maybe they can make up for it with some sort of in-box exclusive—General Mills has been doing Pokémon Card promotions for a while now—but as it stands, you might be better off using a Max Revive on an old eBay box of the original stuff. It may be crusty and inedible, but at least you could pretend it’s a Gengar.


News: Fruity Cereal Kit-Kats

Help me settle an argument real quick: what’s better, cereal-flavored things or thing-flavored cereal? Though this site was founded on the latter, as time goes on I find myself drawn to obscure cereal infusions outside the breakfast aisle. See, even in the best case scenario, any hypothetical Kit-Kat cereal would be good, but it can only be so good as a grain-based milk intermingler.  No one expects cereal to taste as decadent as a candy bar, so what should we expect from Fruity Cereal Kit-Kats? The entire tongue-popping essence of a full box of Froot Loops, refined and folded into an intimidating Kit-Katana?

It’s hard to say—especially without knowing whether the supposed Froot Loopiness is present in the chocolate or just the wafered innards—but we’ll have a good amount of time to speculate. As junkfoodleaks_ mentions in the above, well, junk food leak, these are due out around a year from now.

What other cereals might make a good candy bar? And vice-versa? If Kellogg’s makes a Kit-Kat Cereal and Kit-Kat then makes a Kit-Kat Cereal Kit-Kat, will that Kit-Kat feel remorseful for stuffing itself with its recycled kin? Such questions may haunt us for years after the next.

News: KIND Cereal Comes to Walmart in Four Flavors

KIND Cereal Cranberry Almond Box

Am I excited for KIND Cereal? Well, kind of.

Sure, creative new cereal ideas are always welcome, but at the $6.98 price point KIND and Walmart are asking per box, these suckers better include a pouch of truffle oil as the prize inside. Not to mention how, after reviewing 9 similarly concepted Cerealology cereals with exciting ingredients like matcha and figs, it’s hard for me super excited about four more (comparatively tame) super grain cereals. Continue reading

News: Minecraft Creeper Crunch Cereal

Minecraft Creeper Crunch Cereal

Forgive my lateness again—I first tweeted about Minecraft Cereal the moment I learned of it, but forgot to make a proper blog post for all my no-doubt countless Minecraft-loving blog readers. And my masochistic readers, too.

See, Kellogg’s upcoming Creeper Crunch cereal is in fact just a cinnamon-dusted version of the same base cereal we’ve seen countless times already in licensed products—even as recently as earlier this summer. Multigrain squares—which are, granted, better than corn puffs—and a splash of marbits—which in this case are, granted, uniquely cubic—makes for a cereal that’s acceptably adequate, but probably not worth investing in a Family Sized box unless you have 3 young Minecraft super fans creeping around your house (named Steve, Stephan, and Nick, who we call Stevie).

Expect Minecraft Creeper Crunch to hit stores soon, but don’t expect me to hit the ground holding my W key. While I have casually played and enjoyed Minecraft, the box’s boasted appeal of a free character outfit isn’t enough to pique the interest of the ivory pickaxes I call teeth. Call me when they add Fred Chexter armor.