Monthly Archives: June 2021

News: Monster Mash Fruit Snacks!

Monster Mash Fruit Snacks - Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry, Frute Brute, Yummy Mummy Monster Cereals

 ♪ It was a graveyard smush! ♫

No, that’s not a typo: it’s a dumb pun, referring to a) the squishiness of these upcoming Monster Cereal fruit-flavored snacks, as well as b) the smushed state of any gravestone that dares bear the sheer squishy mass of ninety fruit snack pouches.

Seriously, these fruit snacks, discovered and kindly shared by Mikey H. on Sam’s Club’s site, are listed in four-pound boxes—no doubt big enough to serve as a fun-sized mausoleum. No word yet on whether Monster Mash Fruit Snacks—the sidecar to this Halloween’s massive menagerie of a Monster Cereal main event—are Sam’s Club exclusive and thus locked to such an insane per-box quantity, but hey, at just $9.98 (eleven cents a pouch!), maybe these are worth stockpiling. If nothing else, I’m sure they’re shelf stable long enough to outlast a Monster-pocalypse, and if not, they’ll probably ferment into Spooky Jungle Juice pouches you can stab with a straw, Capri-Sun style.

While Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry, Frute Brute, and Yummy Mummy all have iconic flavors associated with their namesake cereals, these fruit snacks seem to mix things up a bit to fit their ambiguous “Spooky Berry” name. Franken Berry, usually strawberry, now appears to be strawberry, cherry, or fruit punch. Frute Brute, typically cherry, is probably lemony here. Boo Berry, in blue, will probably be as vaguely fruity as usual, while Yummy Mummy too will retain his recent orange pedigree. Count Chocula, in an understandable adaptation, looks like grape here instead of chocolate, and we even get a gelatinous green cameo from the Monster Cereal Castle. No idea what green is supposed to taste like, but since green Scooby-Doo fruit snacks were always my favorite, I can see this castle fruit snack giving the gummy Venus de Milo a run for her artisanal money.

No word yet on just when Monster Mash Fruit Snacks will be available, but I’m at least happy we have one more new thing to look forward to this fall, as the summer heat continues to turn my brain into a grey matter Fruit Wrinkle.

News: Golden Grahams S’Mores Soft-Baked Bars

Golden Grahams Soft-Baked Bars


Cereals become bars, bars become cereal. Thus goes the modern breakfast lifecycle: entropy into order, cuboids into crumbles.

Yes, hot off the mountain-scaling heels of CLIF Cereal, Golden Grahams is bringing karmic balance to the bar–cereal continuum with a new S’Mores Soft-Baked Bar.

It’s the same type of treat treatment that Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch already got. Those were good—like pillowy cereal brownies—but personally, I’m betting Golden Grahams will do it even better, mostly because graham (and by extension, S’Mores) is an undefeated taste note in the breakfast aisle.

Golden Grahams Soft-Baked Bars are hitting stores as you read this, so let your eyes glaze over, your watering mouth spilleth over, and head over to your nearest Walmart for your best chance at finding these.

News: Clif Bar Cereals

New Clif Bar Cereals

Finally, a cereal for the breakfast fan who loves eating the most important meal of the day in precarious, out of the way, or otherwise naturally awe-inspiring places! Fittingly enough, I’m actually on a bit of a vacation right now, so forgive me if I don’t say too much about these new CLIF Cereals and instead ponder their glory on a kayak in the middle of a sparkling lake.

Debuting in Chocolate & Peanut Butter, Blueberry & Almond Butter, plus Apple Cinnamon & Peanut Butter (also, allegedly Honey & Peanut Butter, though I couldn’t find a photo), these CLIF Cereals are already listed on and available in store. They combine coated flakes and oat clusters with nut butters and sweet extras. However, priced at $7 a box, the cost of entry for each CLIF Cereal is steeper than the rock faces they envision you eating the stuff on. Here’s hoping CLIF Cereal actually tastes good, unlike the similarly priced KIND and Larabar Cereals that ended up being the cereal aisle’s blandest bad value.

News: Barnes & Noble Cafe Trix & Cocoa Puffs Cookies

New Cereal Cookies at Barnes and Noble Cafe - Trix and Cocoa Puffs

They say hunger is the best spice, but I love a mustardy pop of obscurity on whatever I’m eating, too. Whether it’s a ultra-limited box art variant, a colorway rarer than a shiny Pokémon, or a very specific natural habitat, weird food only gets more weirdly interesting when you have to scavenge and/or hunt for it.

Case in point: the newest General Mills cereal cookies, debuting this month, that are exclusive to Starbucks locations within Barnes & Noble bookstores. This odd breed of a breakfast–dessert hybrid first surfaced last year, with a Cinnamon Toast Crunch cookie, and now Trix and Cocoa Puffs are joining the (probably not actually) fresh-baked fray. These really look like what-you-see-is-what-you-get cookies: Trix or Cocoa Puffs pieces melded with a sugar or chocolate cookie. So they’ll probably taste good, especially when paired with an iced black tea lemonade or mocha Frapp, respectively.

Oh, and I suppose you’ll need to buy a good book to pair with your little sip-n-sweet treat, huh? How about Grapity Grapes of Wrath and One Flew Over Sonny’s Nest?

Bite-Sized Reviews: Team Cheerios, Kellogg’s Mashups, & Cap’n Crunch’s Chocolatey Churros

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but I couldn’t think of nearly that many to say about these three new, but mostly predictable, cereals.

Review: Cap’n Crunch’s Chocolate Caramel Crunch

New Cap'n Crunch's Chocolate Caramel Crunch Review - Cereal Box

See this?

*gestures vaguely at each pixel of my blog*

Everything your backlit screen touches is his.

Cap’n Crunch’s, that is.

Sure, Cerealously was inspired by my lifelong love of breakfast cereal, but no other figure encapsulates the imaginative id of cereal culture quite like Cap’n Horatio Magellan Crunch. Maybe it’s because—unlike General Mills and Kellogg’s who have entire cinematic universes of familiar, oft-interacting mascots and the cereals they hawk—Quaker really only has the Cap’n’s self-contained, yet expansive, milky mythology (Life and the like don’t count to me because they aren’t character fronted, but full due respect to the based grain that is Quaker Oatmeal Squares).

Kooky characters like Wilma the Winsome White Whale, Chockle the Blob, and Crunch Berry Beast aside, Cap’n Crunch has also debuted an impressive arsenal of epic flavors across his many decades in the biz that’ve helped fuel his nostalgic legacy. You’ve got Oops! All Berries, sure—arguably the single most iconic definition of a hallucinogenically artificial cereal flavor—but I could go on and on honoring the Cap’ns service to tastebuds everywhere, from Choco Donuts and Sprinkled Donuts to Punch Crunch and my personal favorite, Orange Creampop Crunch.

Long history short, other cereals are appetizing, but only one is Crunchatizing, so I’m always excited to taste the Cap’n’s latest. But is Chocolate Caramel Crunch his greatest? Let’s break-fast it down. Continue reading

News: Cinnamon Corn Flakes

New Cinnamon Corn Flakes

Oh, alright. : )

Was that your reaction to new Cinnamon Corn Flakes? It was certainly mine. What can I say: there’s a reason Corn Flakes doesn’t get new flavors very often. Two reasons, honestly. For one thing, if you’re like me, you’re way more likely to use Corn Flakes to bread something than to eat it as an actual cereal. Secondly, why eat Corn Flakes when Frosted Flakes kinda knock Corn Flakes out of the chicken coop in both quantity and quality of flavor?

But sure, there are plenty of people who like less-sweet cereals, so you reading this may very well be cluckin’ pumped about Cinnamon Corn Flakes. Positively cocka-doodle-doodling little maize-gold hearts in the margins of your diary.

Since Cinnamon Frosted Flakes likewise exist and are good, I’m interested to see how Cinnamon Corn Flakes directly compare. Such a dichotomy reminds me of how Cinnamon Cheerios debuted as a dimmed-down Cinnamon Cheerios Oat Crunch, yet still managed to have a unique cinna-charm all its own.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, but not long: Cinnamon Corn Flakes should be hitting stores this month.

The Empty Bowl Episode Fifty-Two: Gatsby’s Favorite Snack Crackers

It’s been a volatile few weeks here on Cerealously Dot Net. Between the worst Lucky Charms ever, the worst Pop-Tarts ever, and John Oliver’s public anti-cereal tirade, I think I speak for all my fellow breakfast lovers when I say we need a little optimism.

As such, mournful munchers need look, listen, and chill no further than the latest episode of my and Justin‘s meditative cereal podcast: The Empty Bowl! With blissful beachside vibes and nonchalant ridiculousness by the heaping spoonful, it’s the perfect audio oasis for relaxing after a long day or a deep bowl of cereal. In this episode, we attempt to gently navigate the challenging headlines listed above, while also covering Fruity Cereal Kit-Kats, Team Cheerios, H-E-B’s best cereals, and more!

If your brain needs to soak in cool milk a little longer, you can find 51 other Empty Bowl episodes at out Anchor hub. You can also follow along on Twitter, or send in a listener question. We can’t discuss or respond to every email, but each one is like a boat moving with the current, bearing forward ceaselessly into an innovative cereal future.