Monthly Archives: April 2020

News: Funfetti Cereal is Coming Soon!

New Pillsbury Funfetti Cereal Box

I’ve written about a lot of battered & baked cereals in my time, but this one takes the confetti cake.

Coming soon from Pillsbury, Funfetti Cereal promises to be ‘the fun and only’ birthday/vanilla/angel food cake cereal you’ll ever need. Just how it will be “bursting with fun” remains unclear, but as Funfetti Cereal’s release trails a full Chuck E. Cheese itinerary’s worth of birthday cake flavored breakfast products, these sprinkled spheres are going to have to work really, flavorfully hard to avoid being just another boring, exponentially sugared cereal.

I’ll admit, I’m a bit over vanilla and birthday cake in the breakfast aisle, because its typical one-note sweetness feels like a cheap cop-out to avoid paying for richer, more imaginative flavors, but hey: at least Funfetti looks pretty (pretti?).

What’s especially strange here is that General Mills is not producing this cereal, despite Pillsbury being their subsidiary brand. This tip comes from longtime friend Gabe Fonseca, who suspects Post might be producing the product, as they were the ghost writers behind the similar-looking Canada exclusive Birthday Cake Timbits Cereal.

Though it already appears on Walmart’s site, Funfetti Cereal’s release date is as of yet unknown. Hopefully Pillsbury & their mysterious co. take their time with this one, because unlike a real gooey cake, a half-baked cake cereal is like a trick candle: it blows, and never grants our wishes.

News: Wienerschnitzel Froot Loops Ice Cream & Shake

Wienerschnitzel Froot Loops Ice Cream & Shake

What is hotdog water, but the cereal endmilk of boiled meat byproduct?

I’ll be frank, I’ve never been to a Wienerschnitzel restaurant before, and after a cursory perusal of their website and its liberal use of phrases like “World’s Most Wanted Wiener” and “#WienerFam,” I’m confident I haven’t missed much. But since the nearest one is a whole state over, I am a bit bummed I won’t be able to try the franchise’s new cereal-infused confections—unless an Illinois-based reader can chuck a perfect-spiral Froot Loops Dipped Cone across the border.

“For a limited time, enjoy a sweet Wienerschnitzel Dipped Cone or Shake bursting with the fruity flavor of Froot Loops cereal,” the release for this partnership reads. While Burger King has already set a strong precedent for fast food Froot Loops shakes, the cone in question captures my interest thanks to its supple swirls and near gravity-defying chunklets of studded Froot Loop. In the midst of dine-in closures everywhere, Wienerschnitzel is vocally proud to offer both these treats through their drive-thru—we can only hope that no window worker is subjected to cabin fever-induced regressions to middle-school ‘pranks’ like cone-ing.

Since I won’t be able to, if you try either of these items, let me know what you think in the comments below or on Twitter. I’ll just be up here, wiener-less in the Mitten, wondering if this means we’ll get savory Froot Links cereal next.

Review: Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Lucky Charms Light Ice Cream

General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms Light Ice Cream Review

I’m putting on my waffle cone chainmail and wielding a shield forged from molten maraschino cherries, because what I’m about to say will no-doubt spark a meltdown in the frozen brains of whole-blooded ice cream diehards everywhere:

like light ice cream.

Yes, I know it has a lot less authentic milk fat, and I know there’s a certain broad threshold between light ice cream and ‘frozen desserts’ that further muddles the clarity of creamishness involved. But I’m also a grown baby with sensitive teeth and a mild lactose problem, so something soft and tolerably intolerable is a lot more appealing than a brick of pasteurized pain in my gut.

I like to think that Edy’s/Dreyer’s made this pair of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms ice creams light solely so I, their favorite cereal reviewer, could safely discuss them. I know, in reality, that it was a matter of cost, but hey: let me have this fantasy as I go scoop deep into churned versions of General Mills’ two most spun-off cereals. Continue reading

News: Golden Grahams S’Mores Toaster Strudel

New Golden Grahams S'Mores Toaster Strudel

Look at that supple off-brown coloring.
The choco-mallow paste-full thickness of it.
Oh my god, it even has an icing mark.

Truly, the above product’s visage is enough to make any appetite go psycho: I mean, my favorite mainstream cereal (and also the most underrated), Golden Grahams? Paired with its natural complementary flavors and baked into a flaky brick of striated goo? Not even the grim deadlights of the Pillsbury Doughboy—who appears to be filled with more botox than biscuit dough by this point–could stop me from inserting these puppies into my mouth like buttery 8-track tapes.

First shared by Candy Hunting, S’Mores Golden Grahams Toaster Strudel is the latest freezer aisle-exclusive spinoff for a cereal that rarely gets any. Granted, S’Mores Toaster Strudel isn’t exactly a new phenomenon, as we’ve seen them in both 2013 and 2016. But hey, you could slap a Golden Grahams logo on a box of plain ol’ Teddy Grahams and I’d blissfully hibernate in a cave built purely of compact crumbs.

Despite the complete box art, there’s no set release date for this cereal Toaster Strudel variety, but don’t let that stop you from whittling a S’Mores Pop-Tart into a haphazard cereal spoon.

News: Gluten-Free Cinnamon Cheerios

New Gluten-Free Cinnamon Cheerios

For whom does the Cheery Oat Crunch?

It crunches for thee.

In what initially feels like a redundant regression—imagine, after half a decade enjoying the GameCube, Nintendo dropped the N65—General Mills is bringing Cinnamon Cheerios to shelves as we speak. It sounds like quite the downgrade from Cheerios Cinnamon Oat Crunch, but since these Cinnamon Cheerios are gluten-free, they still fill an important niche for those who want spicy-sweet Cheerios without the stomach-upsetting starch.

As General Mills already has extensive experience with cinnamon in the Toast Crunchiverse, I have to wonder whether Cinnamon Cheerios will share CTC’s oh-so-sweet approach to cinnamon, or if it will be a more wholesome, tempered, and gut-warming experience. Either way, I’ve already heard early spottings of Cinnamon Cheerios in stores, so whether you have a vendetta against gluten or granola, these auburn rings might be worth (safely) seeking out.

News: Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch is Returning for 2020!

2020 Return of Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch

Yes, Cocoa Puffs: think outside the sphere!

It may be a 9-year old idea, but Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch is a cereal I’ve wanted to see back on shelves for a while now—partly because I’ve never tried it, but mostly because it appears to be a blessed four-sided union between Cocoa Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Chocolate Cheerios, and…Double Chocolate Krave?

Coming this August, 2020’s Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch mimics 2011’s box design right down to the oven mitts—the only thing missing this time is the unsettling chocolate schmear on Sonny’s face.

With this spring’s return of Fudge Brownie M&M’s, here’s hoping I won’t need to dunk a Duncan Hines-worth of those plunkers in a bowl of Brownie Crunch Cocoa Puffs to get the rich, eggy fudge goodness promised by a bold word like Brownie. But hey, if nothing else, there’s always a quart of Dutch chocolate milk to do the dirty work for me.

Our thanks again to Cereal Life, who appears to have a very valuable GM inside scoop, for the tip.

News: Chex Quest HD Will Be Free-To-Play on Steam This Summer!

Chex Quest HD Six Playable Characters Chex Mix Squadron

If you showed the above image to a young me, two decades ago, I would rocket out of the Garfield library book (you know the ones) I had my nose buried lasagna-deep in and call dibs on playing as the Wheat Chex Warrior.

Yes, this has been an extradimensionally surreal week for me and millio—err, thousands…well, maybe just dozens of diehard Chex Quest fans like me. At the ripe, but far from stale, age of 24, the Chex Quest franchise has a bizarre history that spans imagination and risked litigation. If you aren’t familiar with the origin story that’s brought us to this post, I highly recommend reading my previous two articles on the game: a full history of the original trilogy, and a teaser-debuting interview with Charles Jacobi, who art directed the original Chex Quest, lovingly made Chex Quest 3, and is now helming Chex Quest HD production.

But in short, here’s a bullet-pointed breakdown: Continue reading

News: Frosted Flakes with Tony-Inspired Marshmallows!

Are we entering another renaissance of sugar sculpting?

Ever since the esteemed Marshelangallow crafted an anatomically accurate, marbled marbit miniature of the Statue of David, sacred cereal marshmallow geometry has only been going downhill. More cereals than ever may be phoning it in with simple, circular or cylindrical white marbits, but with new Tony-Inspired Marshmallows coming to Frosted Flakes, Kellogg’s may be chiseling in an enlightening new era for the craft—especially coming hot off the tail of chick & bunny ‘mallows in Peeps Cereal.

Here’s my theory: hearing our jeers toward their recent uninspired sugar ring cereals, Kellogg’s figured the next best way to cheaply add variety to familiar favorites would be to churn out a fresh menagerie of eye-catching marshmallows (while still using as few colors as possible). Now I’m not saying Tony’s new marbits are terribly impressive in a technical sense, but hopefully they’re squishy stepping stones to sucrose something-or-others with higher definition and articulation.

I need marshmallow gloves for my marshmallow action figure! Continue reading