Monthly Archives: August 2019

Review: Kellogg’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Corn Pops Cereal

Kellogg's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops Review Cereal Box

How do you think big cereal companies choose to reintroduce old cereals? Do they do something logical, like hold a focus group of common cereal consumers and wise cerealheads alike, or perhaps mail out surveys?

Or do they just go to Mr. Breakfast’s cereal archive, rip a fat scroll off the mouse wheel, and throw a dart at the computer screen (blindfolded)?

Because it really seems like Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops, a 2007 Kellogg’s cereal apparently best known for including a “send-away offer for an Adidas Sports Top,” must have gotten lucky to win out in the re-continuation race—or at least swapped coffins with Tony’s Cinnamon Krunchers right before Kellogg’s’s undertook their dead cereal exhumation. It’s also entirely possible someone at Kellogg’s thought of this without even remembering the 2007 version, because the only geologic record remaining of it is deep in the Kellogg’s archives, sandwiched between Puffa Puffa Rice and Bart Simpson’s No ProblemO’s’s bordering strata.

Whatever its second genesis, Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops trades its ancestor’s flavored spheres (i.e. bootleg Reese’s Puffs) for the half-deflated popcorn pieces of Corn Pops proper. The wilted kernels have an incomparably unique texture, one that hasn’t been replicated—and possibly for good reason, because the idea of milky buttered popcorn is no-doubt a daring and dairily divisive philosophy. But will it be conducive to caked on gobs of flav-o-dust?

Let’s all go to the lobby and find out! Continue reading

News: Kellogg’s Baby Shark Cereal

Kellogg's Baby Shark Cereal Box

Get back! Stay away from me! I’ve drawn a protective circle in the sand that thou shan’t not breach!

Sorry if I sound overly defensive, but it’s been three years and I’ve still never once heard the parasitic ear-worm known as “Baby Shark.” Sure, I’ve seen the memes, and I’ve heard gut-wrenching testimony from parents on the shoreline of despair, unable to stop the shark from hammering its tune into their head.

I don’t want to hear it, and I’ll strap pillows to my head if it means protecting my noodle from a Great White heck-bent (this is a children’s cereal) on devouring my own grey matter. To me, the only “doo doo doo” I need to remember is from Nickelodeon GUTS.

For this memetic oceanic virus isn’t content with staying online any more. As the first YouTuber cereal to hit shelves, Kellogg’s Baby Shark Cereal beats out other, cleverer ideas like Tay Zonday’s Chocolate Grain, The Evolution of Brans, and Charlie Bit My Ladyfingers.

But hey, at least we’ve got a Gangnam Style Cereal.

Baby Shark Cereal, which debuts at Sam’s Club for August 17th’s Shark Week before hitting other retailers in September, features “Berry Fin-tastic” rings and marshmallows—which is code for, “we couldn’t sell enough Caticorn Cereal (another Sam’s Club exclusive), so we expelled it from the Mytho-Mammalian class and into the realm of cerebrally carnivorous kids’ marine life.”

So while I do expect Baby Shark Cereal’s flavor to be familiarly unfulfilling, as with all cases I must reserve judgement until I can sink my own teeth into it. If it includes a free puka shell necklace inside, I may just be able to forgive this infant terror of the deep for what it’s done to eardrums everywhere.

Review: Mermaid Cereals (General Mills and Kellogg’s Froot Loops!)

Two Mermaid Cereal Boxes

Finally, after decades of alpha-male tigers, geriatric cinnamon-toast bakers and the fiery testosterone of the sky’s giant Raisin Bran-loving plasma ball, we’re getting a cereal mascot who’s a strong female role mod—aw wait…she’s only half human, isn’t she? Do we really want the world’s daughters looking up to someone who craps in the ocean?

Sorry fishladies, didn’t mean to slander you. I’m sure there are plenty of sophisticated mermaidens out there who use seafoam bidets, and you’re all way classier than those treacherous sirens. All I wanted to do was hear them cover Chocolate Rain, but I did not stay dry and I certainly felt the pain.

Oceanic etiquette aside, I find the food world’s mermaid trend intriguing. It seems these Ms. Thological creatures have eclipsed unicorns as young kids’ cryptids of fixation, as mermaids are apparently popular enough to warrant two cereals, from two different companies, released at roughly the same time in two different hemispheres. While General Mills was kind enough to hook me up with several (several) boxes worth of their new Mermaid Cereal, the Aussies of the Yeah, G’Day! podcast were kind enough to send me Kellogg’s Mermaid Froot Loops from the land down-underwater.

So which continent will emerge as king queen of breakfast’s aquamarina? Let’s dive in. Continue reading