Monthly Archives: October 2018

News: Lucio Oh’s and Deadpool $&!#% Flakes are Coming Soon!

Man, I’m really out of my league here.

See, I’m comfortable dwelling amongst the cereal greats, sharing so many of my breakfasts with Cap’n Crunch and Toucan Sam that I’m librariously well-versed in their extended universe lore. But now that the likes of Lucio and Deadpool—two characters whose narratives I can’t keep up with—start invading the cereal aisle?

Well then I feel like less of a cereal blogger and more of a cereal Facebook user’s grandma.

So I’ll happily tell you that the apparently much-desired Lucio Oh’s cereal will be coming soon in Sonic Vanilla flavor, but I can’t make any winking jokes or references about it—I’d try Googling it, but I don’t want to waste precious brain real estate currently occupied by Season 4 Simpsons quotes and obscure GameCube game memories.

Cubivore is at stake here!

While I predicted this would be an FYE cereal, even after researching Junk Food Aisle’s news, I couldn’t find any store news. The branding indicates Kellogg’s ownership, so perhaps it may hit wider store releases soon.

Deadpool Cereal Box

But what is coming to FYE? Almost definitely the first outwardly profane cereal—I hear the Cap’n swears like a soggy/groggy sailor, but that doesn’t count.

Deadpool $&!#% Flakes, which I can only assume totally translates to Deadpool Super Flakes, or perhaps Deadpool Shrek Flakes.

Farquad does sound explicit, after all.

Deadpool’s [PARENTAL ADVISORY] Flakes are already available on FYE’s site for a $&!#%-worthy price of $12.99. Suffice to say that as a non-fan who suspects these will just be sugary corn flakes—as is the FYE tradition of high art, low flavor collectible production—I may save my $12.99 for a binge buy of Pop-Tarts Bites.

Trust me, when I eat a bowl of them with milk, we’ll all get our money’s worth.

The Empty Bowl Episode 2: Yuletide, Milkshakes, & Mythical Pop-Tarts!

Quick: have you thought about cereal today?

Sure, we’ve all been dreaming of Cocoa Puffs since 9am (just minutes after finishing our morning Cocoa Krispies), but I mean really thinking about cereal. Like, contemplating the nihilistic ramifications of a world wear slightly torn cereal boxes will never close again.

It can be tough to squeeze this kind of munchable meditation into our everyday lives, so if you need a little spiritual spoon guidance, let Justin McElroy and I be your yummy yogis (I can keep this alliteration up all day) with episode 2 of The Empty Bowl.

For those out of the Froot Loop, The Empty Bowl is a 15-25 minute discussion about the latest and greatest in breakfast cereal. It’s packed with positive reinforcement and relaxing tones, so you can enjoy breakfast—or the dreadful first hour after lunch—in extra crispy peace.

In this episode, we look at some of the holiday cereal news that’s already breaking through all the Hallo-headlines, walk through my recent experience with a Cap’n Crunch Blender, and regale you kind listeners with the history and future of Pop-Tart Cereal.

If that sounds like your cup of milk, you can enjoy the show above, or use this link to subscribe and support The Empty Bowl. Half of any generous donations go toward keeping this site afloat, and the other half will go to the Facing Hunger Foodbank in Huntington, WV.

My deepest thanks to everyone who has listened to, contributed to, rated, reviewed, or otherwise directed good vibes toward The Empty Bowl so far. I am simultaneously humbled by the feedback, encouraged to get over my fear of voice work, and inspired to keep creating a richer, calmer, and more enjoyable breakfast experience for cereal heads across the world.

So as the old saying goes: Don’t forget to drink the milk—or chug a Cap’n Crunch Blender.

News: Rice Krispies Treats Snap Crackle Poppers are Coming Soon in 3 Flavors!

Okay, okay: who’s who?

You heard me right. The important question here isn’t “are you excited to eat sweetly coated Rice Krispies Treats niblets?” because of course I am. And I’ve even got a special ladle ready to eat them by the scoopful.

No, I’m more interested to see which Rice Krispies elf posed each of these new Snap Crackle Poppers’ 3 flavors. Crackle is obviously the wildcard, making him a shoe-in for Cookies ‘n’ Créme—I mean, these lil Treat cubes even spell their flavor differently than their full, rectangularly prismatic selves. What’s wilder than adding an accent?

Don’t answer that.

As for Snap and Pop, it’s a toss up between who’s more boring and Vanilla Créme-y and who’s barely scraping creatively by with Chocolatey. Actually, I’ve decided: I don’t care, and I’d rather daydream about what flavor Pow, the long-lost Rice Krispies black sheep, would choose for a Snap Crackle Popper/Power.

It has to be something crazy enough to get him in existential trouble, so probably Sriracha or Nintendo Switch Cartridge flavored.

Either way, we can look forward to seeing all 3 flavors on shelves soon. Thanks to both The Junk Food Aisle and Candy Hunting for the find. If you have a nugget of cereal knowledge to share, you can always pass it along here for a chance to see it on the site. Happy snapping, crackling, popping, crunching, munching, and 3-course lunching!

Rumor Mill: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Cereal is Coming Soon?

Screen Shot 2018-10-02 at 7.07.29 PM

What’s October without a good reanimation story?

Remember Post’s Mini Cinnamon Churros, a 2011 cult favorite cereal featuring fun-sized toasted churro pieces? If you don’t, that’s okay—it seems to have had unreliable regional availability through much of its 3-4ish-year lifespan. But if you remember it fondly or feel like you’ve read a Thrillist article about it, it seems the cereal’s crunchy cinnamon spirit may be living on.

The Cerealously Intelligence Agency (not to be confused with the Crunchling Independence Alliance) has discovered a listing for “Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros Cereal.” Alas, there’s no image to shed light on what such a name would entail, but my early prediction is that it could just be a spiritual successor to Cinnamon Star Crunch, which just tasted like Cinnamon Toast Crunch-slathered corn puff stars. Except this time, the pieces would look less like stars, and probably something like Like Likes.

So while you may think a General Mills cereal could never inherit the legacy of Post’s Mini Cinnamon Churros, I’ve conspiracy-theoried that they’re more closely linked. Mini Cinnamon Churros say right on the box that they’re encouraging direct comparison to Cinnamon Toast Crunch, so if Mini Chinnamon Churros is a reflection of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, then Cinnamon Toast Crunch Churros is another reflection, but this time a darker reflection…(pause for dramatic tension and tin foil hate adjustment)…An invasive mutation, even.

Or maybe it’s just a delicious cereal. Or maybe it won’t make it to shelves. We all have our own theories.

Either way, if you know anything more about this cereal—or any new cereal—you can submit it here for a chance to see it here.

Trix Fruit Shapes are Back from the ’90s, and We Got an Early Taste!

Trix with Fruit Shapes Cereal is Back from the '90s! Our review.

Trix is a cereal that’s changed more times than a Lady Gaga tribute to David Bowie.

Yes, while the likes of Cocoa Puffs has stayed perfectly rotund & football brown since their inception, Trix’s bite-sized cereal fruit salad started as warm-toned puffed corn spheres (sugar-coated Kix, actually) in 1954, before adopting their iconically unique fruit shapes in 1991. These shapes had an impressive two decade tenure, cementing themselves into the ’90s mythos before they were humiliatingly shrunk into Mini Trix and drained of their artificial colors and tastes altogether.

As we all know by now, this bleak, desaturated nightmare had a happy ending, as General Mills brought back the classic, artificially born & bred Trix flavors. It seemed like only a matter of time before nostalgia’s magnetic will would pull the fruit shapes back to us, and now here we are. As the euphoric Trix Rabbit’s visage proclaims:


The cereal hits stores later this month, but I was lucky enough to receive an early taste of fruit-shaped Trix. So while the rest of the world cognitively contorts our spherical planet into a crude raspberry out of sheer anticipation, I’m here to see if it lives up to a younger me’s memory.

I was eating Reese’s Cups with the paper still on at that point, so I wouldn’t be worried about high expectations—gimme a break, the brown layer blends right in!

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