Monthly Archives: October 2018

Coming Soon: Kellogg’s Strawberry Krispies and Frosted Mini-Wheats Fruit Medley

Strawberry Krispies 2018

Image via Kellogg’s

(Update: We reviewed both!)

Yet again, vegetables are forgotten in the breakfast aisle.

Don’t get me wrong, I love fruit: ketchup is my favorite! But corn flour shouldn’t be the only place nature’s more savory bounty can express its vegetableau of unique flavors.

I’m talking Zucchini Bread Toast Crunch. Sweet Dill Frosted Flakes. Maple Sweet Potato Casserole Cheerios (a boy can dream, can’t he?).

But no—with Kellogg’s newest two cereals in its seemingly endless harvest of upcoming products, sweet and juicy fruit top the breakfast food pyramid yet again.

I guess I can’t be too upset: I never got to try the original, 1983 incarnation of Strawberry Krispies, but it still has loyal fans, even 35 years later. So if 2007’s Rice Krispies with Strawberries was a bit of a slap in the face to them, I’d understand. Either way, both real nostalgiacs and wistful wannabes like me can rejoice, because Strawberry Krispies are getting a proper revival.

I’d imagine the natural first thing to do with these micro rose petal Krispies is to fon-douse it in chocolate milk. We don’t know a concrete release date yet, but I hope I don’t have to wait until Valentine’s Day to share a carton of chocolates with Strawberry Krispies.

Fruit Medley Mini-Wheats

Image via Kellogg’s

Kellogg’s other upcoming release, however, is all original: Frosted Mini-Wheats Fruit Medley.

Just looking at the box’s thick wheat biscuits, I automatically picture a disastrous dry beach-turned-mirage vacation—how could a cereal this dry do juicy fruit flavors justice?

But the more I consider Fruit Medley Mini-Wheats’ unique blend of peach, apple, and pear fruit flavors, the more I think it could work as more of a “spring pie” approach—at least that’s the season of release the box color’s would have me believe.

Though that just makes my unrealized dream of Carrot Cake Mini-Wheats all the more bittersweet.

So while these may just seem like two more cereals to toss on top of the laundry/pantry list of new cereals soon-to-come, I definitely think each has potential—even if only for a certain niche of wispy berry and Animal Crossing fruit blend fans.

As for me? Well until early 2019 releases its onslaught of promised sweets, I’ll be whittling eggplants into cereal spoons.

Kellogg’s NYC Debuts Limited Edition All Together Cereal!

Kellogg's All Together Cereal Box

Images via @kelloggsnyc on Instagram

I’ve always wanted to see a Kellogg’s mascot Battle Royale, but this is way better.

Not only because the Raisin Bran Sun could roast the others in an instant of he wanted—honestly, I admire the electromagnetic restraint—but because the message behind Kellogg’s NYC‘s new All Together Cereal is much more important than a vitamin-fortified Fortnite.

Apparently only available today (10/18) at Kellogg’s NYC, the company’s New York cereal café featuring probably every combo of Frosted Flakes and Pop-Tarts mathematically imaginable, All Together Cereal puts all* of Kellogg’s most famously mascot-fronted cereals on one box!

*The Krave Chocovore doesn’t appear to have been invited. I guess cannibalism and equality are a bit at odds.

Kellogg's All Together Cereal

The cereal is a partnership between Kellogg’s and GLAAD, and it’s part of a wider pledge to stop bullying and support LGBTQ youth—a pledge I fully support, especially as it breaks from cereal’s typical pledge to support local dentists.

By my count (sorry Chocula, not you), there are seven iconic cereals all together-ed up in this box: Apple Jacks, Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran, and Rice Krispies.

So while the message is great, I can’t imagine this would be a cereal I’d eat regularly—something about apple-cinnamon Frooty raisins suggests the combined flavors might be too much to gastronomically decode all at once. Probably for the best they didn’t throw Honey Smacks in there, too.

Jokes aside, if you’re in the area, this is both a good-natured and inevitably pretty rare box to get your hands on. Be sure to send photos if you do—though it like the box is exclusive, but the cereal might be “build-your-own” at the cafe—because if I can’t find a box online somehow, I’ll have to live vicariously through Kellogg’s NYC’s Instagram.

Or I could see how long it takes my local Walmart to notice I’ve assembled a mixing trough in the cereal aisle.

Cereal Soap Box #1: Metered Munching

Cereal Soap Box

I’ve always firmly believed that cereal is more than yum of its parts.

Sure, it’s delicious, but I suspect that many have a lingering fanaticism for it—not that I would know, of course—because of the feelings it connotes, in both the past and present tense.

Carefree whimsy, rose-tinted rosiness, Limited Edition Kemp’s Gingerbread Man Ice Cream Sandwiches: whatever childhood means to you, that’s what cereal stands for.

It just happens to often come in chocolatey marshmallow form, too

So while I’ve spent many a morn’ tasting, reviewing, and inevitably continuing to eat said cereal ’til about lunch, I’ve always wanted to explore these broader reasons for loving cereal “culture,” so to speak. It’s why I feel so strongly about The Empty Bowl‘s commitment to the zen art of cereal eating. Continue reading

News: Pop-Tarts Crisps are Back, in Two Flavors!

Strawberry Pop-Tarts Crisps

(Update: We reviewed them!)

Is Pop-Tarts getting the gang back together?

Hear me out: Pop-Tarts history is rich with not only decadent filling, but with convenience-focused pastry offshoots, too. And from the mid-’90s up until just a few years ago, these cult classic pieces of Pop-Tart paraphernalia have died off, leaving only the humble P-T in its original, rectangularly sugar-sandwiched form.

But in the span of just a few months, it’s beginning to look like Pop-Tarts isn’t just reanimating one of its bite-, fun-, and nibble-sized products, but nearly all of them. First we heard that Pop-Tarts Crunch will be back (in both classic varieties), by early 2019.

Then came the spiritual successor of Pop-Tarts Mini-Crisps, the poshly pouched Pop-Tarts Bites, which will also come in the brand’s flagship flavors of Strawberry and Brown Sugar Cinnamon.

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Crisps

And now that we have confirmation of “new” Pop-Tarts Crisps—in, surprise surprise, “Strawberrylicious” and “Brown Sugar Cinnamazing”—that means the toaster pastry leviathan’s oft-forgotten Snak-Stix are also (sort of) back. You know, to fill our stomachs and couch cushions with crispy-crumbly Pop-Tarts flavor in a wafered-enough form to justify it as a light, pre-breakfast snack.

While they’re still filled, it remains to be seen just how well these Pop-Tarts Crisps—which look more like, in a highly complimentary way, iced cross-sections of cardboard than Pop-Tarts—will stack up against their pastry predecessors, but for now, this news leaves me with two important questions to ponder:

1) Will S’Mores, let alone Cookies & Cream, ever get another chance at spin-off stardom?

2) And more importantly, will Go-Tarts come back next to complete the crunchy quadrilogy?

I need my grippable, Go-Gurt sized Pop-Tart fix, people!

News: Waffle Crisp has been Discontinued



(EDIT: As of January 2020, Waffle Crisp has again been spotted in America. So far, in bagged form at Walmart!)


This one hurts.

No one ever thinks they’ll outlive their favorite cereals. After all, for many of us, the iconic flavors and mascots that built the breakfast aisle, from Cheerios to Frosted Flakes, have existed since we were born and strongly endured as mythical presences through the golden graces of youth.

If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a pantheon of cereal characters to build a childhood.


And for me, one of those most trusted breakfast table companions was Waffle Crisp. Where others have fond loaven recollections of French Toast Crunch, my maple memories are less Francophilic and more Belgicious. Though my Belgian heritage may be to thank, the miniature waffles’ sticky sweet maple syrup glaze really filled heart with joy—much like real syrup cascading into a freshly ironed waffle’s checkered pockets.

Oh, and the iconic smell that precedes the cereal, filling any kitchen, conservatory, or football stadium where the box is opened? I need it in cologne form, yesterday.

That’s why I chose Waffle Crisp for my first ever “Classic Review,” and it’s why I nearly shed a single, amber tear when hearing from fan Sydney N. that he spotted the cereal on Post’s discontinued products page.

(Waffle) battered and heartbroken, I reached out to Post, hoping this listing was just some horrible prank pulled by Dr. Burnt Toast, to get back at the wonderful Waffle Boy, but their customer service team confirmed my fears.

Yes, Waffle Crisp has been discontinued. It’s a sad day, especially when Post has been cranking out a number of great cereals lately. Waffle Crisp has already been difficult for many to find in the last few years, but with the cereal’s (literally) rich, Eggo-topping 20+ year history, it would be especially sad if the success of Oreo O’s and its ilk was what pushed Waffle Boy off shelves.

All hope might not be lost, of course: those of lucky enough to have reliable WC access can stock up while we can, and despite this news, Post’s extremely similar Good Morenings Waffle Crunch cereal—whose in-store availability, appropriately, also waffles—hasn’t been officially discontinued yet [EDIT: I’m told this has also been discontinued 🥺].

So while the flavor may persevere, and while old cereals make fan-requested comebacks all the time (I hope they bring the grandmas back too in 20 years, and maybe a Pancake Crisp variant while they’re at it), I guess I’ll have to eat a bowl of Maple Cheerios in respectful solidarity, recognizing that my youthful maple tastes have to grow up a little. And add a little fiber too.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t leave this article with one last elegy for my departing friend:
Oh, Waffle Boy, the Post, the Post is calling
From bowl to bowl, and down the pantry side.
The syrup’s gone, and all the milk is sogging,
It’s you, it’s you must go and I must crunch alone.

Review: Trader Joe’s Hot Cocoa Frosted Toaster Pastries

Trader Joe's Hot Cocoa Toaster Pastries Review Box

If bizarre sci-fi television series from the ’90s have taught me anything, it’s that there are parallel versions of this world couched in other universes. Some have minor differences, like a perplexing land in which Thanksgiving is celebrated in October. In others, though, we might see some truly uncanny results of the Butterfly Effect. It seems Trader Joe’s mad scientist cousin (unlike Trader José, Dr. Trader Cornelius lacked the name chops for his family’s grocery biz) has been messing with enriched choclanium again, because my preferred cozy beverage has merged with another snackish reality, just like that time Captain America met Batman.

Trader Joe’s Organic Hot Cocoa Frosted Toaster Pastries arrived as something of a dark horse (see, it works as a reference to both comic books and chocolate… I’m a lonely man, OK?). Without much heralding, these sly slats of sweet science turned up on shelves recently, if a bit out-of-season given their clear holiday vibe. The packaging is plain in that TJ’s way, so we get no hints on the flavor there. Best to dive in and see what’s on the other end of this iced nexus.

Continue reading

News: Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch is Returning for Holiday 2018!

Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch Cereal 2018

Image via Walmart

I just don’t understand the obsession with Santa Claus.

Yeah, yeah, I get it: ‘cap on head, suit that’s red; special night, beard that’s white,’ and all that holly jolly jazz. But he comes every year, without fail, on the same day! Where’s the excitement in that?

Everyone knows true mythological icons don’t show their secret selves on any regular schedule. If they did, we’d all have chupacabras hatching from our Easter eggs. No, the true holiday legends appear when you least suspect them—whether that means a collision course with Macy’s Sonic the Hedgehog balloon, a goaty hug from Krampus, or an unexpected visit from Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch

To uninitiated taste buds, Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch may sound like a merry meal at best, or an overly sweet slop at worst. But for those of us who tried these twinklingly dusted squares during their illustrious two-year run know that it’s something more: a wonderful collision of buttery cookie dough and a box of powdered donuts (perhaps a herald of what’s to come?), all topped with a blizzard of flaky vanilla icing

The cereal has high cult appeal, and for two years now, many have eagerly awaited its return. Each December, we set aside our palate differences in support of two common goals: restore the spirit of Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch, and crush any alleged substitute into stardust.

And it seems this year we’ve finally brute-forced our way onto the nice list, because new art for Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch has appeared on Walmart’s site. The cereal isn’t available yet—as it shouldn’t be; my porch pumpkins haven’t even begun their slow disintegration yet!—but the very gift of its possible presence is enough to have me happily crunching through the autumn leaves—in anticipation of crunching something better.

So thank you to Hillary H. for the tip on these, and my appreciation to all who made their love for Sugar Cookie Toast Crunch heard. Now, would you mind redirecting that energy to help push General Mills’ gumdrop buttons about a Gingerbread Toast Crunch?

I wouldn’t even mind if it were in Churro form!

News: Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts are Coming Soon!

Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts

How exactly do you de-caramelize something?

Sure, you could grab some Barbasol and shave a caramel apple, but it would be much harder to cleanly disembowel a Rolo, power wash some caramel corn, or exorcise a Werther’s Original.

And I bet it would be downright impossible to synthesize the caramel out of a Caramel Apple Pop-Tart, so while we have yet to hear if Kellogg’s delightfully golden-juiced toaster pastries will be returning this year, we do know the brand’s autumnal fair will soon be joined by Crisp Apple. So this could be Caramel Apple unmasked, or Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts could just be the spiritual successor to the busheled lineage of apple Pop-Tarts flavors that have already come and gone.

Apple Cinnamon. Apple Blast. Apple Strudel. American Apple Pie. Apple Cinnamon Muffin. Jolly Rancher Green Apple. The list goes on—heck, Apple Currant was even one of Pop-Tarts opening flavors. But the unconventionally named Crisp Apple Pop-Tarts—were they not named Apple Crisp to avoid the cinnamon dessert-esque connotations?—rather than an inside-out apple pie, look more like Apple Blast than anything, with a simple sheet-ghost frosting and likely beige filling.

As first reported by Candy Hunting, these will be an exclusive Pop-Tart flavor, but we don’t know where at yet. So while there’s an outside chance your local orchard is growing an exclusive strain of them, Crisp Apple’s jumbo packaging suggests, at least to me, that a big box store like Walmart might be a better place to camp.

It won’t stop me from doing my Johnny Appleseed cosplay, though!