Monthly Archives: June 2018

Review: Honey Bunches of Oats Banana Bunches with Almonds

Honey Bunches of Oats Banana Bunches with Almonds Cereal Review Box

Da-da-dum da-da-dum, da-da-dum-dum-dum.
Da-da-dum da-da-dum, da-da-dum-dum-dum.
da-da-dum da-da-dum da-da-dum-dum-dum DA-DA-DUUUUM da-da-dum-dum-dum.

If you couldn’t tell by my horrible phonetic theme song translation, this is officially part two (outta who even knows any more) of Cerealously’s Banana Cereal Bonanza, an unplanned event kicked-off deliciously by Kellogg’s and now perpetuated by Post’s Honey Bunches of Oats, one of their flagship, 10/10-earning cereal series that has hitherto been left out of Post’s noteworthy recent resurgence.

But no longer: no cereal brand can slip past Post’s cereal war draft, so now Honey Bunches of Oats (specifically their cult favorite almond variety), has slipped right into the fray Mario Kart-style, on the peeled wings of some smiling banana angels, whose flavor has allegedly been baked into every eponymous granola bunch.

As an expert on Mario Kart theology—divine intervention once saved me on Rainbow Road—I intend to test this theory with a spoon as my chalice.

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News: Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop-Tarts are Walmart’s Exclusive Flavor

Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop-Tarts

The best tastes evolve.

Over two years ago now, Kellogg’s dropped Chocolatey Caramel Pop-Tarts on us, and they were pretty great, but not “I’ll buy them over Cookie Dough Pop-Tarts” good. With a pretty traditional flavor combo that never made BuzzFeed headlines, it seemed like a flavor that couldn’t contend in such a gimmick-based breakfast climate and would soon roll off the shelves like a box of rogue Rolos.

But rather than succumbing to its fate, Chocolatey Caramel Pop-Tarts have teamed up with the exclusive-loving folks at Wally World to churn out this Walmart-only flavor that cybernetically enhances the Pop-Tarts’ classic taste with something appropriately trendy: salt, which I hope won’t be as disastrous as the last time they tried a savory Pop-Tart.

Chocolatey Salted Caramel Pop-Tarts have already been spotted out in the wild at various Dollar Generals and Chuck E. Cheese’s (just kidding: just Walmart). But until I find them, I’ll content myself with ideating other fad-friendly Pop-Tart upgrades: Sriracha Chocolate Fudge? Rosé Pink Lemonade? Ooh, how about Quinoa Hot Fudge Sundae?

Anyone? Hello?

Review: Kellogg’s Raisin Brain with Bananas Cereal

Kellogg's Raisin Bran with Bananas Cereal Review Box

Donot mess with bananas.

I’m convinced that, for a while now, whatever divine, potassium-based organisms control the world’s banana populations, they’re powerful enough to initiate a new, yellower world order from the safety of their unassuming peels.

How do I know this? Just look at every banana cereal of note: the winsome weirdness of Urkel Os. The untold smoothie sorcery of Minions Cereal. The nutty nuance of Banana Nut Cheerios. And the baked-in brown sugar bravery of Banana Bread Shreddies.

They hardly got any buzz, yet they nearly gave me an intoxicated buzz of ethereally fruity deliciousness.

That kind of untapped, Luke Skywalker-troubling power is what makes me both fear and salivate over Kellogg’s new Raisin Bran with Bananas. RB isn’t the Kellogg’s mainstay I’d expected to take on dried ‘nanner discs (hello, Special K), but the healthiness of dry fruit does seem like an auspicious counterpart for a cereal so famously mocked for its droll, fiberous flavor.

So like Revenge of the Nerds, the oft-lampooned Raisin Bran sun is ditching his usual bunches and letting slip a fury of bunch-powered flakes.

Be careful which heavenly body you call boring in middle school.

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News: Dippin’ Dots Cereals are Coming Soon! Cookies & Cream & Banana Split

General Mills Cookies & Cream Dippin' Dots Cereal

Take me out to the ball game, keep me out of the crowds. Buy me some peanuts and Dippin’ Dots, I don’t care…if you want to watch the game, I’m gonna go eat my Dippin’ Dots in the car.

Yes, Dippin’ Dots’ futuristically chilled, innovatively tongue-tearing ice cream spheres were a nostalgia-bearing reprieve from boring childhood sporting events, and now General Mills is turning them into two cereals: Dippin’ Dots Cookies & Cream Cereal, and Dippin’ Dots Banana Split Cereal.

This is very clearly a retaliatory jab at all the great cereal Post (with its puppet company Malt-O-Meal) has been releasing, as this pair of ice creamy flavors isn’t just a clapback to M-O-M and Cold Stone Creamery’s cereals, but it’s a round of clapback applause to Oreo O’s and Nilla Wafer Banana Pudding Cereal, too.

We may be entering a new age of cereal war, folks, which of course only means good things for hungry cereal lovers who get to reap the deliciously creative collateral damage.
General Mills Banana Split Dippin' Dots Cereal

The most promising thing about these cereals? In both serials, the Clusters actually contain milk! This means they aren’t simply cheap artificially ice cream-flavored gimmicks, but they’re actually powered by lactose.

I expect many moos and ahhs to come.

Shout-out to Cereal Party for finding both cereals on Walmart’s website, assumedly debuting soon. I hope neither I nor the cereal melt in the summer heat before I can find it. 

Spooned & Spotted: Kashi Honey Cinnamon & Berry Crumble Superfood Combos

Sorry, I don’t usually blog after the fact, but I tweeted this within 64 seconds of it appearing in my peripherals at Meijer.

The caption says it all: this discovery has my perpetually-stuck-in-a-’90s-grade-school-lunchroom stomach a-rumblin’. If Krave is king of chocolate stuffed pillows and Hidden Treasures are the lost emperors of fruit stuffed pillows, it looks like Kashi’s Uncrunchables will fall somewhere in between. 

Expect a review (and potentially a wistful elegy for Bosco Breadsticks) coming soon.

Review: Malt-O-Meal & Coldstone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix Cereal

Malt-O-Meal Cold Stone Creamery Birthday Cake Remix Cereal review box

Okay, here’s the scoop:

I’ve wanted to start out a review with “here’s the scoop” since I started this blog.

There, now that I got that out of the way, here’s the review:

Birthday Cake Remix is one half—alongside Our Strawberry Blonde—of a landmark partnership between Malt-O-Meal, classically known for their economy-sized cereal bags, not for their industry clout, and Cold Stone Creamery, a left-field ice cream chain with about as much breakfast aisle experience as Meow Mix.

Seriously, this is about as expected as Malt-O-Meal teaming up with Stone Cold Steve Austin to release “And That’s The Bottom Lime” cereal.

So not only does Malt-O-Meal & Cold Stone’s Birthday Cake Remix open the door for other zany cross-category cereals in the future (I’m lookin’ at you, Insomnia Cookies), but it also opens my mouth.

For cereal to enter.

Because I’m ready to eat it now.

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Review: Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles Cereal

Post Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles Cereal Review

Yabba dabba DUUUUDE!

That was my dinosaur bone-a fide reaction after smelling, eating, and then continuing to eat Post’s latest entry in the Flintstone clan’s second most vitamin-packed series of products: Peanut Butter & Cocoa Pebbles cereal.

The reason I was so surprised was because PB&C Peebs (the two of us are close now, so I can use pet names) is the first Pebbles cereal since Sugar Cookie to win me over.

See, I’ve historically treated the cereals with snark and mild derision, as I’m not usually a fan of airy cereals that leave me hungrier after I’ve finished them.

But here, oh sweet Barney here we have a cereal tasty enough to justify a vicious cycle of crunch-munch-repeat.

So hold onto your novelty Jurassic Park hats, because I’m about to walk you through it bite by trilobite.

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