Monthly Archives: May 2018

Review: Pop-Tarts Sugar Cookie & Brownie Batter Splitz

Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Splitz Sugar Cookie Brownie Batter Review Box

You can’t just slap two things together and expect it to be delicious. As a midnight pantry plunderer since a young age, I’ve learned this the hard way. Because it’s a slippery slope. First there’s peanut butter and honey sandwiches, then there’s peanut butter and pickles.

Before long, you’ve branched out into condiments and there’s ketchup on your Cheetos and popcorn. Shame not the boy I was: admire the man it hardened me into.

The first of Pop-Tarts’ two* new** Splitz varieties is far less risky—sugar cookies and brownies are long-time alumni of Grandma’s Dessert Table University—but it doesn’t necessarily mean the two are better together.

I mean, one was voted Most Creative (because of the icing) and the other was voted Biggest Stoner.

Of course, the only way to test these two’s flavor chemistry is to hunker down on the couch with a box and hope my pants down split three pastries later. A paramedic with a sewing machine is on hand.

*The other is Strawberry Cheesecake.

*Not entirely new: P-T Splitz were born and killed a decade ago in more boring flavors.

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Coming Soon: Reese’s Puffs Peanut Butter Bats!

It’s the Reese’s. They’re…they’re learning.

Elon Musk may fear humanity’s demise at the hand’s of a hostile AI, but I think we should be more afraid of Reese’s. More and more, their chocolate peanut butter legion is beginning to spread like a delicious zombie virus.

See, we started with the humble Reese’s Cup—that’s fine. Heck, it’s darn fine. But before long, strange mutations happened. Reese’s Eggs. Reese’s Trees. Reese’s Footballs. Odd offshoots of the original’s malleable shell and oiled peanut butter that produced shapes far stronger in flavor than their predecessors.

And then things went Nutrageous, with Reese’s Pieces stuffed in mini cups, crunchy cookies, and even a cereal. But now Reese’s Puffs is undergoing shape mutations of its own: first we saw Reese’s Puffs Bunnies, and now the CDC (Center for Deliciousness Control) has confirmed via @markie_devo that Bats are on the way for Halloweentime, too.

How long before they start stuffing Reese’s Pieces in our breakfast, too?

All peanut buttered apocalypses aside, I’m excited to see if these redistribute the cereal’s powdered flavor like the Bunnies did. And now that I think about it, I should stockpile some of those crunchy rabbits now, so I can genetically splice them with the Bats come October.

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!

Rumor Mill: Post Golden Oreo O’s and Nilla Wafer Banana Pudding Cereals


This is less of a post and more of a “hey you should look at this and freak out with me” update, so…

You should look at this and freak out with me.

I’ve been wanting Golden Oreo O’s and a Nilla Wafer Cereal for years, but this banana pudding element is a surge of adrenaline straight to my Dunk-a-roo icing-encrusted heart. Post: bless you. The rest of you: let’s run really fast in one direction to accelerate Earth’s rotation and make June happen sooner.

It’s the only way.

Review: Malt-O-Meal French Toasters Cereal

Malt-O-Meal French Toasters Cereal Review Bag

Malt-O-Meal definitely lives in an alternate universe—an alternate timeline, if you will. In this version of breakfast reality, Cookie Crisp was less corny, Count Chocula never changed after the ’90s, and Post didn’t release Oreo O’s first—that’s like America losing the Space Race!

Oh, and French Toast Crunch’s squared form survived Y2K.

What do I mean? Well if you recall, French Toast Crunch—the clear ancestor of Malt-O-Meal’s French Toasters—started as bread shapes, changed to curved, Cinnamon Toast Crunch-like swirled squares, then disappeared (or at least disappeared to the Canadian tundras, where they remained available through 2012) until their 2015 rebirth. Yet now, here’s French Toast Crunch bizarro cousin, keeping tradition alive.

It took me too long to find this cereal (it came out a year ago—but my stores haven’t carried it until now. I blame the second coming of bread-shaped cereals), so I’m looking forward to some closure on my search for: it’s time to see if F. T. Crunch’s dark reflection (and I mean that in the best way) can keep its flavor modern.

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Review: Blue Bunny Cinnamon Cereal Mini Swirls Ice Cream Cones

Blue Bunny Cinnamon Cereal Mini Swirls Ice Cream Cones Review

It may only be May, but where I live, the groundhog-empowered, seemingly never-ending winter has so quickly given way to a summery heatwave that spring is but a…wait, what’s spring again? Some sort of stacked potato chip, right?

Sorry if the heat has jumbled my neural circuitry a bit—everyone knows that doing something as simple as calling for a cable appointment in A/C-less heat is frustrating enough to leave Dante quivering. I’m trying to self-medicate with fans at turbine speed and frozen vegetables to the cranium, but thanks to Blue Bunny, I can take my medicine by mouth.

The ice cream brand’s newest Mini Swirls—fancy name for cones the size (and shape) of a witch’s bird-flipping finger—is exciting enough to bring frozen scooped desserts back to this blog. They rarely appear due to my mild lactose intolerance, but I’ll make exceptions for things like corn-flaked Oreos.

Aptly titled “Cinnamon Cereal” these waffle cones—which are small enough to comfortably clasp (like a pencil) and eat (not like a pencil)—are topped with ice cream, a vanilla coating, and knock-off Cinnamon Toast Crunch. We’ll call it Cinnamon Broast Munch.

Mmm, broiled cereal!

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Review: Trader Joe’s Crunchy Cinnamon Squares Cereal Milk Chocolate Bar

Trader Joe's Crunchy Cinnamon Squares Milk Chocolate Bar Review

I love cutting out the middle man—or in the case of this Cinnamon Toast Crunch-inspired chocolate bar, cartoon baker.

See, when I eat a healthy(ish) cereal like Trader Joe’s Crunchy Cinnamon Squares, I like to reward myself for making good decisions. I don’t go overboard, and I always aim for balance: I’ll top my hot dogs with pizza (a vegetable), put extra syrup (made from trees!) on my pancakes, or I’ll eat a dozen fun-sized candy bars.

(As they’re objectively the least fun candy bar size, I’m doing the world a favor.)

But now thanks to Trader Joe, I don’t have to waste time between snack(ish) and treat, time that I’d just waste breathing, walking, or *shudder* exercising. By merging their pretty-good Crunchy Cinnamon Squared into an appropriately squared milk chocolate bar, TJ’s has radically optimized my calories-per-minute stats.

No more Homemade Double Decker Mayonnaise Oreos for this happy fella! Continue reading