Monthly Archives: April 2016

Review: Post Grape-Nuts Flakes


Oh, Grape-Nuts: you go by many names in my household, from “mouth gravel” to “rugged nuggets.” But most of us just call you “ow!” because the strength of your molar-cracking crunchiness would make the Incredible Hulk blush.

Post must have realized that Grape-Nuts were unfairly lining the pockets of dentists everywhere, which is why we have Grape Nuts Flakes. A “lite” version of original Grape-Nuts (both in terms of texture and calories), these Flakes promise all of the O.G. Grape-Nuts flavor you love with half the number of broken bicuspids.

And for those of you who already hated the taste of Grape-Nuts? Well, these charming barley shavings might still win you over.

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Review: Cocoa Puffs (Now With 50% More Real Cocoa)


That’s a bold claim, Cocoa Puffs.

I mean, you could’ve just said “now with more chocolatey taste!” or called the cereal “SUPER Cocoa Puffs,” but you chose to drop some hard stats on us. Exactly 50% more cocoa, eh? Alright, if you say so: I better go 50% more cuckoo for these.

And trust me, I have a pretty refined Cocoa Puffs palate. Cocoa Puffs is one of the first cereals I can remember eating as a young’n. Back in my early grade school days, I ate a bowl every single morning until I got sick of ’em. One day, in fact, I tried a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with chocolate milk instead of regular milk and got quite literally sick, diagnosed with a condition that doctors could classify only as “Chocolardiac Arrest.”

But what didn’t kill me only made me stronger, and now my taste buds are braced and ready to be blown away by a choco-bombshell. Are you ready, Cocoa Puffs?

En garde!

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Review: Madagascar Cookie Dough-licious Oatmeal from MOM Brands


Confession time: I am an absolute cookie dough warrior.

I don’t even like baked chocolate chip cookies that much (oatmeal raisin has my heart), because I’d much rather eat an entire bowl of raw, doughy goodness than watch it all go to waste in an oven.

If I’m killed by salmonella some day, then you’ll know I died happy.

That’s why it saddens me to see virtually zero chocolate chip cookie dough representation in the cereal aisle. Sure, we have Cookie Crisp, but until General Mills creates a “Dough Ball Crisp” spin-off flavor, I won’t be satisfied.

Thankfully, oatmeal has Doughboys like me covered. As part of MOM (aka Malt-O-Meal) Brands’ recent Dreamworks movie revitalization line, we have Cookie Dough-licious oatmeal. This Madagascar branded oatmeal is one of three Dreamworks flavors, alongside Shrek‘s Ogre Apple Cinnamon and How to Train Your Dragon‘s Dragonberry.

Shrek’s too big of a meme, Dragonberry doesn’t actually contain any dragonfruit, and Madagascar already impressed me with its s’mores cereal, so it was a no brainer that I should pick this oatmeal over the others.

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Review: Kellogg’s Strawberry Frosted Mini-Wheats


Strawberry season is nigh!

So while we wait for me to track down those new Strawberry Cheerios, while we wait a little longer for this summer’s Strawberry Tiny Toast, and while we wait even longer for Franken Berry to awaken from his 11 month hibernation, let’s start with a classic strawberry appetizer!

Kellogg’s Strawberry Frosted Mini-Wheats has been around for a long time. In fact, some historians claim this cereal predates the strawberry fruit itself.

We don’t take those historians very seriously.

But since Strawberry Mini-Wheats have long graced the breakfast aisle alongside compatriots like Blueberry, Maple Brown Sugar, and Original, they must be pretty darn good, right? Let’s revisit them and find out.

After all, I can’t resist any opportunity to lick hot pink frosting off of things. Somewhere out there is a veritable zoo of naked Keebler Frosted Animal Cookies.

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Spooned & Spotted: Kellogg’s Frosted Caramel Apple Pop-Tarts


Well that didn’t take long!

Just two days ago, we shared a picture of Kellogg’s upcoming A&W Root Beer flavored Pop-Tarts. Our source for that photo, reader and redditor /u/boyfoster, claimed that Caramel Apple Pop-Tarts were on the way, too.

And now we have visual proof of that wonderful fact, as boyfoster sent in this frame-worthy snapshot of a Caramel Apple tart.

With that classic golden Pop-Tart crust, a light brown frosting, and a goofy dancing troupe of iced neon green gummy worm-esque squiggles on top, these pastries are fun to look at. Based on this photo, the filling appears to be banded, too, with alternating ribbons of light and dark brown.

No word on a release date for these yet. But since autumn is a prime time for apple picking, apple bobbing, and using Apple iPhones to take selfies of ourselves baking apple pie with Grandma, I’d guess we’ll be seeing these Pop-Tarts this fall.

Pop-Tarts has already proven that they can make a mean caramel treat, so I can’t wait to try these. Just one question, though:

Where are the Salted Caramel Pop-Tarts?

Thanks again, boyfoster! To all readers who would like to see their picture or thoughts featured on a “Spooned & Spotted” post, head over to our submissions page, or just email us at

News: Pumpkin Spice Cheerios Coming This Fall!


Image Source: General Mills Inc.

(Update: I reviewed Pumpkin Spice Cheerios!)

This is not a drill! Red alert! Err…I mean…orange alert!

As part of their ongoing efforts to revitalize the Cheerios brand, General Mills just announced an autumn debut for Pumpkin Spice Cheerios.

Set to hit stores around Labor Day, Pumpkin Spice Cheerios will bring an iconic seasonal flavor—which has already hit lattes, toaster pastries, dish soap, and much more—to your breakfast bowl. Since General Mills is committed to removing artificial flavors from its cereals, I’m willing to bet that this cereal will be stuffed with real pumpkin, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and hopefully fan favorites cloves and allspice.

Of course, Pumpkin Spice Cheerios won’t be the first pumpkin cereal: Trader Joe’s Pumpkin O’s, Pumpkin Puffins, and Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini-Wheats have already broken that farm-fresh ground. But since those three cereals are cinnamon-y, squash-y, and pumpkin pie-y (in that order), Pumpkin Spice Cheerios could still easily claim the title of most authentically spicy pumpkin spice cereal,

Between Pumpkin Spice and this summer’s Strawberry Cheerios, I’m excited for the “revival” of a cereal line that I never really considered to be “dying” to begin with.

Keep up the good work, Cheerios: as long as you’re around, I can get my O-shaped breakfast food fix without having to pour milk on my SpaghettiOs.

Spooned & Spotted: Kellogg’s Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop-Tarts


(UPDATE: Click this to read my review of Frosted A&W Root Beer Pop-Tarts!

What’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys? A barrel of root beer, of course!

And what’s more fun than a barrel of root beer? Cramming it inside your morning toaster pastry!

Earlier this year we reported that Orange Crush and root beer flavored Pop-Tarts are on the way, and thanks to this picture sent in to us by reader and redditor /u/boyfoster, we know that those mythic sarsaparilla Tarts are not only real, but they’re A&W branded, too. Sorry, Mug and Barq’s fans: maybe you can convince the Pillsbury Doughboy to use those drinks in some Toaster Strudels.

According to boyfoster, who received and sampled these pastries from an in-store source, they taste good, but alas, they don’t fizzle. Oh well, I guess we’ll have to wait for Pop Rocks Pop-Tarts.

Oh, and one more juicy bit of news: according to boyfoster (whose word I now trust like scripture), there are also new Caramel Apple Pop-Tarts on the way that he was unable to photograph. Now that’s a flavor worth bobbing for!

Thanks again, boyfoster. To all readers who would like to see their picture or thoughts featured on a “Spooned & Spotted” post, head over to our submissions page, or just email us at

Cerealously Looks Back at Chex Quest!


Oh boy, this one really does take me back.

When I talk about moments that really got me into cereal—not just cereal as a food, but cereal as a culture, hobby, and lifestyle—my discovery of Chex Quest is always one of them.

It was one of those summer days when it’s hot enough to make the sky warble and the hot dogs melt right into their buns. I had sought refuge in my cool basement and was digging through a drawer of old CD-ROMs and floppy disks. I happened upon this disk:


Since most of the other CD-ROMs contained word processing software and Encarta encyclopedias, the technicolor cartoon art on Chex Quest magnetically held my eyes and imagination alike. I couldn’t wait to boot it up, and as soon as I did, I happily lost myself in a world of pixelated breakfast heroism. Continue reading