Are you hungry to unwrap a couple early Christmas presents? Well look no further than the latest two entries we want to share from modern day cereal Santa Claus Gabe Fonseca’s (by “cereal Santa Claus, I mean in terms of giving great gifts, not in terms of appearance, of course 😉) Cereal Time YouTube series. Cereal Time provides a list of nostalgic and fun cereal tribute videos that’s longer than Santa’s naughty list after Happy Hour.
The first video to share is about a very special box of Honey Nut Cheerios. And no, I don’t mean that lucky box of Cheerios that you ate for breakfast on the same morning you won $500 on a scratch off ticket.
I’m sure that video’s coming later.
No, this rare box of HNC was made with genuine Florida honey and was released as a tie-in with a recent campaign in which General Mills made a “living billboard” filled with bees (sounds like the start of a bad Nicolas Cage horror movie). These boxes were given out to a select few lucky recipients, including Gabe. You’ll have to watch to see what he thinks of this now mythic, one of a kind honey talisman!
Oh, and guess who’s still unhappily buzzing about not getting a box? Continue reading