Monthly Archives: September 2015

Review: Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal

IMG_3937As we all wait for the Great Pumpkin (he’ll show, trust me!), let’s gather round, snuggle up with our our Linus blankets, and I’ll tell you all about one of the only cereal options available for pumpkin junkies: Kellogg’s Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini-Wheats!

Kellogg’s introduced these hay bale-shaped love letters to autumn a few months ago, but now they’re finally reaching the shelves of mainstream grocery stores everywhere. If you stopped reading that sentence halfway through to pull on your socks and shout “Honey, start the car!” I fully understand. While you shop, I’ll sit here and entertain your cat, who is now reading the screen in your absence. Continue reading

Special: Spooned & Spotted — Austrian Cereals

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For all of the non-American readers of this blog, the above photo might seem like nothing out of the ordinary. But for an amazed Michigander like myself?

Tresor? Chocos? Honey Bsss Loops?

What kind of magical wizardry is this?

This latest entry in our reader-submitted Spooned & Spotted series is of the cereal aisle selection at a store in Vienna, Austria. Frequent contributor Marc P. (thanks as usual, Marc!) sent us this photo from his recent Austrian vacation.

While almost every cereal here has an American equivalent, seeing an international take on some of the favorites that Americans may take for granted is, at least to me, incredibly fascinating. I’m always intrigued to learn about all the many cereals of the world. And man, some of these boxes are just so gorgeous that I want to rub my face all over them frame them!

Why can’t the U.S. have super kawaii female bee mascots? Why can’t we have monkeys advertising our Cocoa Krispies (sorry Snap, Crackle, and Pop, but you can’t top a monkey in a hat)? And most importantly:

Why can’t we have the Nesquik Bunny on the front of a cereal with pieces that look suspiciously like…you know…actual rabbit poop?

Okay, maybe there’s an obvious reason for that last one.

If you’d like to see your picture or thoughts featured on a “Spooned & Spotted” post, click yourself right on over to our submissions page, or just email us at

Special: Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal’s “Selfie Spoon” — A Hands-On Look

IMG_3927The future is now!

First we had spoons that could merely scoop. Then came spoons that were also forks. Then spoons that doubled as straws. And now? Our spoons can take pictures!

I doubt that the first neanderthal who decided to use a Tyrannosaurus femur to dish out a bowl of primordial soup to his kids ever thought his invention would come this far. Continue reading

Review: Special K Apple Cinnamon Crunch Cereal

IMG_3922Have you ever wanted to eat apple pie for breakfast, but your parents/grandma/dentist/grade school healthy eating propaganda film said no?

Well now it’s time to turn the tables on them (but not literally, I would hate to spill any cereal), because Special K Apple Cinnamon Crunch is like a healthy apple pie that got crystallized and shattered into flakes and clusters by some wonderful alien technology.

I’m so glad aliens are using their powers for the betterment of breakfast now.

Continue reading

Special: Building the Monster Cereal Castle!

IMG_3909As October is less than a week away, it’s prime time for Halloween junkies to start turning their humble offices, kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, and heck, even doghouses into pumpkin-scented, fog spewing shrines celebrating all things orange, black, and blood red.

And for those who are unsure on where to start, then Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry have the perfect starter kit for you. See, while the common versions of those cereals produced for mass sale have futuristic augmented reality compatibility, the Target exclusive boxes spurn those pesky Millennials and their new-fangled “apps” in favor of something a bit more charmingly old school.

See, by combining the three boxes like a sugar-coated Triforce, you can build Count, Frank, and Boo’s sleek bachelor pad…err, I mean “spooky castle.” But I won’t waste more time with introductions.

Let’s grab some scissors! Continue reading

Review: Frute Brute Cereal (2013)

IMG_3869I’ve been waiting for this moment for 2 years.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say, “my soul has been waiting for this moment for over 40 years.”

Since Fall has officially begun, I felt it was time to do something big to ring in the Halloween season. And by “ring,” I don’t mean “put 5 plastic spider rings on every finger and pretend to be the world’s lamest horror movie villain.” No, I’m going to eat a box of Frute Brute that I saved from 2013’s revival of the werewolf monster cereal that originally debuted in 1974. Continue reading

Review: Franken Berry and Boo Berry Fruit Roll-Ups

IMG_3857I remember a simpler time. A time we call…elementary school.

Back in those days of yore, the lunchroom took upon its own savage ecosystem, with rivaling table kingdoms each simultaneously isolated in their rituals and customs but also warring and bartering with neighbors. Within each kingdom was a long-developed economy of trade, in which treats brought from home carried value that could only be priced in terms of other foods. And like a real economy, these values were ever-fluctuating.

But there was one processed snack that never deviated in its worthiness as edible currency: Fruit Roll-Ups.

While a plastic baggie of half-crumbled cookies may have been worth 3 pre-packaged fruit cups one day and nothing but stale graham crackers the next (after the crash of the unpredictable schoolyard stock market on Oreos, most likely), Fruit Roll-Ups were the gold standard. They never failed to attract the attention of brown paper bag-toting snack brokers everywhere.

And now? They’re going Halloween! Continue reading

Special: Cereal Time with Gabe Fonseca — Powerpuff Girls Cereal & Reese’s Puff Cereal

With monster cereals, selfie spoons, Canadian Cheerios and more, it’s been a busy season for cereal already.

That’s why this week we want to share with you the latest two installments in Gabe Fonseca’s serial cereal series (try saying that 5 times fast with a mouth full of Reese’s Puffs). If you’re new to the series, prepare to have your senses inundated with nostalgia, cartoon commercials, and oddly specific memories of stealing your sister’s Powerpuff Girls Game Boy game just to play it in secret.

Wait, that last one was just me? Continue reading