Monthly Archives: August 2015

News: Pumpkin Spice Mini-Wheats and Special K Apple Cinnamon Crunch Bring Fall Flavors to the Cereal Aisle

KelloggsMiniWheatsPumpkinSpice_3799530 copy

(Images via Kellogg’s)

(Edit 9/30: My review of Special K Apple Cinnamon Crunch is live! Click here to read it! You can also read my review of Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini-Wheats by clicking here!)

Even though our swimming pools are still uncovered and the smell of sunscreen still wafts delicately through the air, stores are rolling out the recognizable tastes of fall in every product imaginable (I expect even cat litter and shoe polish to be autumn-ified this year). And the two most popular flavors, pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon, could soon be in your cereal bowl, too. Continue reading

News: Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry Monster Cereals Return for 2015


(Image via General Mills)

(UPDATE 8/1/16: If you’re looking for news on 2016’s monster cereals, I wrote about them here. Otherwise, my review of Count Chocula for 2015 is live! Click here to read it! I also took a look at the Target castle boxes here! A review of Franken Berry is here! And Boo Berry’s review is here!)

Imagine a crack of thunder on a rainy night.

Imagine a single, dimly lit jack-o-lantern.

Imagine the little girl from Poltergeist saying “they’re heeeere.”

That’s right, Halloween is coming early this year, because General Mills has just announced the official return of their marshmallowy, seasonal cereals: the cocoa rich Count Chocula, the blazing red strawberry Franken Berry, and the fluorescent blue ‘n’ fruity Boo Berry.

Move over, Santa Claus: these heroes that “only come one time a year” are beloved by kids and adults, too. Continue reading

Special: Cereal Time with Gabe Fonseca — OJ’s Cereal

The latest video in the wonderful Cereal Time series, brought to you by cereal chieftain Gabe Fonseca details a forgotten gem from the days of cereal past (that sounds like a better name for an X-Men movie, now doesn’t it?).

It’s OJ’s cereal, one of few cereals with a distinct orange flavoring. Perhaps this flavor oddity is what made it disappear from store shelves. To quote Hunter S. Thompson, it was “too weird to live, too rare to die,” which is why it will survive in the memory of fans everywhere.

What cereal will Gabe cover next? Feel free to post a comment below with your favorite retro cereal while you wait to find out. And in the mean time, you can check out Gabe’s other videos here.

Personally, we here at Cerealously are hoping for a look back at PB&J cereal, a cereal so mythic and rare (it never reached mass market), it is only discussed by cereal historians in hushed tones and nervous whispers.

Review: French Toast Crunch Cereal

IMG_3662French Toast Crunch is a rare breed in the winding history of cereal, and its storyline seems more fitting for a series of Christopher Nolan movies than for a box of sweetened corn pieces.

Upon its introduction in 1995, French Toast Crunch was a hero. Beloved by children, adults, seniors, dogs, and sea urchins (probably) alike for its unique maple flavor, French Toast Crunch was something worth writing about in your Trapper Keeper. Continue reading