Welcome to the first installment of “Spooned & Spotted,” a new feature that spotlights submissions from Cerealously readers regarding what tasty or noteworthy cereals they’ve eaten or seen in stores. We almost called it “Spoon-ted,” but that sounds like the kind of euphemism that you’d look up on Urban Dictionary and immediately regret afterwards.
Today’s cereal was spotted by reader Marc P. (thanks, Marc!). It’s Froot Loops Bloopers, and it puts the familiar tropical explosion flavor of the Froot loops you know and love into a much more Crunchberry-esque shape.
Are these meant to be the factory rejects that got caught in the loopification machine, and now Kellogg’s just wants to profit off the runts of the litter?
Is this merely a nefarious conspiracy to make more cereals in shapes that will scrape the roofs of our mouths?
Only Toucan Sam can know for sure. And as he cradles his technicolor Dragon Balls on the front of the box (which have apparently given him the messiah-like ability to walk on a tsunami of milk), we can only assume that he won’t be spilling the beans on that particular secret.
While Froot Loops Bloopers have actually been around since late last year, Marc stumbled upon them for the first time at his local Target while hunting down the new Pumpkin Puffins cereal. It just goes to show you that sometimes the most interesting cereals are hiding right underneath your nose. Keep hunting, cereal seekers, and as Toucan Sam himself always says…
If you’d like to see your picture or thoughts featured on a “Spooned & Spotted” post, click yourself right on over to our submissions page, or just email us at cerealously.net@gmail.com.