Trix is a cereal that’s changed more times than a Lady Gaga tribute to David Bowie.
Yes, while the likes of Cocoa Puffs has stayed perfectly rotund & football brown since their inception, Trix’s bite-sized cereal fruit salad started as warm-toned puffed corn spheres (sugar-coated Kix, actually) in 1954, before adopting their iconically unique fruit shapes in 1991. These shapes had an impressive two decade tenure, cementing themselves into the ’90s mythos before they were humiliatingly shrunk into Mini Trix and drained of their artificial colors and tastes altogether.
As we all know by now, this bleak, desaturated nightmare had a happy ending, as General Mills brought back the classic, artificially born & bred Trix flavors. It seemed like only a matter of time before nostalgia’s magnetic will would pull the fruit shapes back to us, and now here we are. As the euphoric Trix Rabbit’s visage proclaims:
The cereal hits stores later this month, but I was lucky enough to receive an early taste of fruit-shaped Trix. So while the rest of the world cognitively contorts our spherical planet into a crude raspberry out of sheer anticipation, I’m here to see if it lives up to a younger me’s memory.
I was eating Reese’s Cups with the paper still on at that point, so I wouldn’t be worried about high expectations—gimme a break, the brown layer blends right in!

Credit where it’s due: General Mills provided the spoons and bowl.
Newly returned Trix Shapes do* also taste just like the original flavor Trix orbs we’ve had for a while now: uniquely fruity, with a signature blend of sweeter-than-country-fair-lemonade citrus, candied watermelon, and light notes of tangy rasp-grape-berry smoothie.
*Except they don’t, actually. I’m willing to take a stand and say that the taste improvement heralded by the shapes’ revival isn’t merely a matter of strawberry-tinted glasses or increased mouthfeel.
Rather, the nooked and crannied ridges of each Trix shape effectively reduce the airily corny volume of the pieces in favor of fruit formula-slathered surface area.
Because if Reese’s Puffs have taught us anything, the more complex the cereal shape, the better. Bring on the sculpted Venus de MilO’s!
Milk turns shaped Trix into an iridescent (or is that just the milk?) time portal to pre-Y2K breakfasttime. Even someone like me, whose nostalgia tolerance is worryingly high thanks to journalistic exposure to images of a highly nostalgic nature (you ever seen a modern can of Pokémon pasta?), was wistfully wooed by this milky bowl’s delightfully vague yogurt-swirl of overexaggerated fruit flavor.
How wooed? I wrote that whole last sentence while chugging a bowl. Now to shotgun a Thermos of it!
Fruit-shaped Trix is a must for anyone who did or didn’t grow up on it. Because those who don’t taste it as an edible postcard from their previous life will at least get to culture their palates on what a real fruity cereal should taste like.
So thank you, General Mills: from me and the 20,000,000 other people who asked you for this. Now can I have a word with you about Peanut Butter Toast Crunch?
The Bowl: Trix with Fruit Shapes
The Breakdown: Nostalgia incarnate, this one-of-a-kind fruit cornucopia is a perfect Saturday Morning main course. It feels as if balance has been restored to breakfast.
The Bottom Line: 10 recycled Alf Pog jokes out of 10
I have wondered and waited for years. Finally, its back to the way it was, from the 1990s. Now.. at last, my favorite goto cereal is back!
Hmm, I may be in the minority here, but I really prefer the original fruit spheres.
I can fit more of it on a big spoon and eat bite is like a fruity explosion.
If this means that the spheres are going to be phased out in favor of the shapes I may have to stock up now.
peanut toast crunch back and just bunches
The people GM were virtue signalling to with the all-natural crap never bought, or would buy, candy breakfast cereal in the first place.
Sales must have absolutely tanked when they released the new Trix.
I already wrote it on instagram, but i can only repeat myself:
Its funny and interesting to see how GM went from “all-natural” Trix (or cereal) to !let’s bring back the old “bad” stuff” xD
Though i never had Trix, i really rooted for the comeback of the shapes. Now i have no excuse anymore not to try them xD
btw while we’re at the topic @GM:
Not just PB Toast Crunch, but bring back Oat Based Monster Cereal! 😉
My childhood dreams have come true! Agree 1000% about the PB Toast Crunch! What a time to be alive lol
Don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth (thanks for bringing back the shapes GM!!!)
But i remember the shapes, with the non-whole grain formula.
I know GM will never go back on their decision to make breakfast junk food slightly less junky and much less tasty. But I can’t even remember what some of their cereals used to taste like, and that makes me sad.